Ota Dental Clinic w Shizuoka

JaponiaOta Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-21-23 Andō, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0882, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-247-0505
strona internetowej: www.ohta-dc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9877202, Longitude: 138.3822958

komentarze 5

  • 増田千香子



    When my brother had his tooth treated for cavities, they tried to pull out the tooth instead of giving it proper treatment in order to get an expensive implant! I thought something was wrong and had him treated at another hospital, but he got one. My tooth cracked and had to be extracted, but I was able to keep my other teeth as they were!Other people also had to pay for expensive treatment, so I went to another hospital. I know many people who have changed their lives!




    My mother (91 years old) went to the dentist every month, but her gums became swollen and pus and blood came out, so she went looking for a different dentist. My mother, who was extremely reluctant to quit the dentist she had been going to for decades and go to a new one, kept repeating that she was "scared" all morning. However, when I went there, I found the building to be clean and stylish, and the receptionist and teachers were all very kind. After the treatment, my mother "You weren't scared, were you?" When I asked “It was so much fun😊” said! The doctor was kind and funny, and he carefully cleaned my gums. My mother, who had been worried about her mouth for a long time, started to look cheerful for the first time in a long time, and her mumbled tone became able to speak clearly after just one cleaning. I would like to do my best to attend the school and be able to eat the food I like. I'm really glad I found a good dentist.

  • 香代



    I'm concerned about stains on my teeth, so I'm taking care of them. Before cleaning, they will listen to your current situation and your wishes and respond accordingly. I'm not good at dentists, but I can leave it to you with confidence. It's a very clean clinic.

  • renka takio

    renka takio


    If I was going to receive implant treatment, I thought it would be better to have a long track record, so I decided to have it done at Ota Dental Clinic in Shizuoka City. First of all, when I requested to hear the story, he did not make a negative face and answered all my questions properly. I asked for treatment here because I was able to trust him with his courteous treatment. After the surgery, you can eat without any discomfort and feel comfortable. I still go there for aftercare and have been treated with kindness every time.

  • hana “Hana” s

    hana “Hana” s


    The dental hygienist who was in charge of me was always kind and courteous, and I had been visiting the hospital for many years. However, there is no longer a need for me to go to this hospital. I am writing a personal review in hopes that it will be helpful in the future. Although he rarely met the head of the hospital, the incident occurred during an opportunity to examine him. In the past, when I was assigned an unpleasant NG guard, I had a bad experience, so I told the receptionist about the incident and requested, ``From now on, please change the current person in charge to another (guard).'' . From then on, NG Mamoru no longer had to be in charge, so I'm glad. However, since NG Mamoru was in charge this time, I pointed this out in front of the head of the hospital and NG Mamoru. I said something along the lines of, ``I told you to change the person in charge because I didn't like it before, but you don't understand?'' Surprisingly, the head of the hospital was very fond of NG Mamoru and protected him as if he were special to her. The head of the hospital told me in an arrogant and rotten manner, ``You're disgusting too.'' It seems like the head of the hospital said this on behalf of NG Mamoru. Unexpected and unbelievable words and actions, but true. If you have a dissatisfied opinion, is it a counterargument? I was shocked and laughed. There is no reason to be told this, and I did not come here to argue with the head of the hospital. The head of the hospital said, ``I've never had a patient say anything bad to me,'' so I said, ``There are people who can say what they want, and there are people who want to say it but can't, they just don't say it.'' ”I told him, or rather, I taught him. Patients may be more likely to leave without saying anything. Or you can tell by reading the reviews. The hospital just doesn't notice that you stopped coming because you transferred to another hospital. I don't think I've ever seen Google's extremely useful system of customer reviews.

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