Osumi Dental Clinic i Toyohashi

JapanOsumi Dental Clinic



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Motomachi-400-1 Minamiōshimizuchō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8132, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 532-26-0035
internet side: www.ohsumi-dc.com
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Latitude: 34.6922973, Longitude: 137.3654164

kommentar 5




    I went to the hospital right after it opened. During the treatment, I realized that even an amateur could tell that something was wrong here, so I went to another dentist, but the treatment was so good that I was told, ``I hate to say this, but where did you get this treatment? It's terrible, isn't it?'' I wonder if my skills have improved. It was written that reservations could not be taken.

  • みゅんみゅん



    Thank you for your help in treating teeth that are full of cavities. I think the hygienist's skills are reliable, as she uses a pre-treatment explanation photo monitor to give detailed explanations. However, the problem is that the next treatment will be in a month and the treatment will not progress...I will receive an email with instructions for coming to the hospital a week before the next treatment.

  • tgjwmjp gtdtm

    tgjwmjp gtdtm


    Look at the recent news about childcare abuse. It seems like they sell childcare, but when I went there before, I was waiting in the waiting area. At that time (I think it was an elderly person at the same reception desk), the child I was taking care of was crying and the staff member who was taking care of the child laughed and said to me, ``Slap me!'' with a gesture, which made me uncomfortable. That too many times. What's so interesting? I've seen this before when this person was taking care of my child, so I can only feel disbelief.

  • がお



    As others have written. When I called and said, ``I feel like I have a cavity and my tooth hurts,'' they said, ``They're fully booked, so I'll be back in a month.'' "What? It hurts?" → "I'm sorry. I'm full. Please do your best to endure it. Don't force yourself to brush your painful teeth."...I tried to endure it. As expected, the root of the tooth rotted and he was taken to another hospital for emergency treatment. However, when I tried to ask for further treatment because it was geographically easy to get to, they said, ``We can't clean up after the treatment that we haven't done at home.'' picture? picture? When you told me to endure it, it got worse, right? I think you are a good teacher. This is the lady at the reception desk. I don't know if it's the wife or the parents, but Everything will be rejected by this accepting old woman. It makes me feel very uncomfortable, so go ahead! To! Not recommended!

  • 山田悠



    By phone. He looked down on me extremely, and even though I answered the questions properly, he treated me in a very high-pressure way. I was told that my old dentist was unable to treat my 3-year-old child to prevent cavities, so I was told that there was definitely a new dentist that could do it for me, so I called them. I told you all about this process, "We can't do it either. Actually, we can only provide the same treatment in Toyohashi City. I don't understand why they came here instead of there." It was even said. I was told that Matsui Dental Clinic can treat it, and that it is not true that all treatments in Toyohashi City are the same (according to Matsui Dental Clinic). I think you should come to the hospital prepared to receive incorrect explanations and high-pressure treatment.

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