Oshima Post Office i Kumamoto

JapanOshima Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-18-17 Oshima, Nishi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-5299, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-329-7897
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.7784133, Longitude: 130.6391756

kommentar 5

  • Shhhtan 2 (shhhhh)

    Shhhtan 2 (shhhhh)


    I heard the intercom ringing, but I was washing up and couldn't respond right away. Then, the front door opened without permission. too scary. can't believe it.

  • chiaki kiryu (殲滅)

    chiaki kiryu (殲滅)


    Since Lawson opened, the parking lot has become available for Lawson customers to use, so it's gotten a little better, but there are a lot of people in cars, so it's quite difficult during lunch breaks. Lawson itself is crowded at lunchtime. The parking lot on the post office side goes over an iron gate (lol), but even though there doesn't seem to be much of a bump, it's quite a shock, so be careful if you're driving a light truck or other car with a hard suspension. ATMs tend to be crowded, and there seem to be a lot of people inside the ATMs. It's convenient to be able to use electronic money to pay, but it can be a little intimidating when you're standing in line behind you😅.

  • 映画ちゃん



    I'm not trying to please you. I can't even say hello, I have to wait for things to be processed, some days he suddenly talks to me, other days he responds unfriendlyly, I wonder if you can understand why this temperature difference is disgusting. Don't work in a good mood. I thought it was only the old guys who weren't motivated, but lately it's been everyone. Things like this are contagious.

  • 麻木シゲル



    I used Mercari, and it was a young lady. I handed over a cushion-type envelope (with bubble wrap inside), but when I asked if it would fit within the envelope, I was treated like gas and asked, "Is it okay if I crush it?" If you say no, it's a fragile item, they'll respond as if it's impossible, and they won't accept other sizes? If I didn't make a suggestion, the conversation wouldn't have progressed. I also installed a barcode reader there myself. When he pointed at me, I felt like... Whether it's the way you say it or the way you handle it... please be a little softer. Since I said it was Mercari at the beginning, you would know that there are products inside...

  • タケ



    Since my daughter was hospitalized, I used the Japan Post Insurance counter to process hospitalization benefits. The woman at the counter responded politely. Even though he was young, he was a very considerate person, and I felt like I could talk to him about anything. I still want to use it.

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