オールデイダイニング SATSUKI in Osaka

Japanオールデイダイニング SATSUKI



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒540-0001 Osaka, Chuo Ward, Shiromi, 1-chōme−4−1 ホテルニューオータニ大阪
kontakte telefon: +81 6-6949-3234
webseite: www.newotani.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6906372, Longitude: 135.5327018

kommentare 5

  • Shereen



    Love their buffet spread. Food is tasty and good range of variety. The place is divided into 2 sections, the Japanese and western spread. They r open at 7am, and if you come during their peak time (around 7:45am), you have only 1 hr to dine in.

  • Samuel Swidzinski

    Samuel Swidzinski


    Amazing food and the best staff. Everyone is very kind. The Japanese breakfast is particularly good. I am vegetarian and they made a concerted effort to make the breakfast in a tasty way that could fit my dietary needs. Me and my wife view this restaurant as one of the highlights of our honeymoon and we went every day.

  • seraxy



    Very tasty buffet. The prime rib was the best and the sushi and California rolls were good quality! I would definitely recommend if you want to enjoy a different selection of food and desserts!

  • Darwyn Klatt

    Darwyn Klatt


    I enjoyed this restaurant. I had the weekend buffet for ¥5800 plus the free flow alcohol ticket for ¥2500. The food variety was pretty good: lots of fish dishes both hot and cold, sushi, miso, salads, rice, cold starters, and some pretty good petite four desserts. The ambience is nice, classical music at a nice level, and a good view to the river. All in all, an enjoyable dinner!

  • Patrick Hung

    Patrick Hung


    WORST SERVICE When I was waiting to buy the bread, all staff there is just serve for one Japanese customer. When I want to pay at the counter and these staff keep focus on that Japanese customer until another Japanese women enter the shop, one of the staff go to serve her immediately and all staff keep ignoring me, they just let me waiting, waiting and waiting. As a restaurant of international hotel, if you dont want to provide service for the foreign guest, I think you should close your shop or you can say "We are only available for Japanese". As a guest of hotel, I can't feel any respect from them.

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