Origami Kaikan in Bunkyō-ku

JapanOrigami Kaikan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1 Chome-7-14 Yushima, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to 113-0034, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3811-4025
webseite: www.origamikaikan.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7028798, Longitude: 139.7654497

kommentare 5

  • Kateřina Dobrovolná

    Kateřina Dobrovolná


    My boyfriend absolutely loved this place. Unfortunately for me the exhibition was little and almost nothing to see besides one room full of washi dolls.

  • Dhanush Patel

    Dhanush Patel


    It's a lovely place to visit if you are a art lover, there are plenty of art crafts that will leave you amazed and inspired at the same time. First floor is a basic gallery, there is shop as where you can purchase the origami papers or the already prepared art piece. There will be classes held too, depending on the complexity of the art that day you might have to pay the fees.

  • Robbert Hu

    Robbert Hu


    Amazing paper collection, but very orientated to children and simple origami

  • en

    Maxim Fuchs


    It has some nice exhibits but the free class they promise is actually an older guy showing how he folds origami, no trying it yourself. He keeps on repeatedly telling you that he wrote all the books there...

  • en

    Amool Paranjpe


    Great people dedicated to their art. Mr Kobayashi gives you a personal audience every now and then through the day. The people working there are fantastic and love sharing their interest in origami even with people like me who are completely unaware!

nächste Museum

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