Oriental Hotel Fukuoka Hakata Station w Fukuoka

JaponiaOriental Hotel Fukuoka Hakata Station


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-23 Hakataekichūōgai, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0012, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-461-0170
strona internetowej: fukuoka-orientalhotel.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5907383, Longitude: 130.4220933

komentarze 5

  • melina frangos

    melina frangos


    The staff were amazing here, went above and beyond! I arrived at the airport and I had left my passport in my hotel room. I called up reception and somebody came straight to the airport to bring me my passport so I could make my return flight. Thank you so so much!! Amazing staff. The hotel is in a perfect location and is super clean inside with great amenities. However the room was much smaller than I was expecting, with the bed nearly touching 3 walls.

  • Erwin Halim

    Erwin Halim


    Very convinience, nothing beats location, staff are very kind and love children, any kind and delicious foods are everywhere and within reach you wont go hungry, maybe you will get difficulties choosing restaurants. Main subway line just next to breakfast restaurant, we can go into main subway line and back to hotel without have to go outside. Clean and tidy room, laundry machine in the building at level 5, travellers with young kids no need to worry. 2 big malls within 3 minutes walk. Stay there for 9 nights and cannot remember anything bad. Well done and would love to stay again.

  • J Wong

    J Wong


    Come here with kids. Excellent Hotel with strategic location. Just next to Hakata Station. The lift is located next side of building which is facing main road. Next to it with Taxi service. Very convenient hotel. Definitely will stay here again for my next visit. Excellent breakfast provided, my kids loved it so much!!! Laundry room at level 5, wash and drying for 2 hours cost 600 Yen.

  • Memphis Chung

    Memphis Chung


    I stayed here for 3 nights in different days. There are some advantages and disadvantages for the hotel. Advantage: 1. Location is great. 2. Employees are very friendly. Disadvantage: 1. Washbasin is not in the bathroom. 2. The instructions for changing towels is incorrect in Chinese. The are the same instructions for green badge and black badge. The instructions are correct in English.

  • S Mak

    S Mak


    Location Location Location. The location is fantastic, just right next to the Hakata Station. There's even an access to the hotel from the subway underground level at exit East 4, so you don't need to worry about the adverse weather outside. The room is clean and the staff is nice. The breakfast buffet is good too, and the mini-burger is a must-try! We will definitely be staying here again next time.

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