Onuki Dental Clinic w Kanuma

JaponiaOnuki Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

963-8 Yorozuchō, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0043, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 289-62-6585
strona internetowej: www.tochinavi.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.557217, Longitude: 139.750374

komentarze 3

  • m m

    m m


    I've been to other dentists many times because I'm busy and don't have time, but I've never met a dentist as good as this one. The teeth I received were surprisingly long-lasting, to the point where other dentists were surprised. Even during treatment, he is able to understand the patient's sensations, such as whether it hurts or not, whether there is discomfort or not, and so on. The main treatment is carried out by the director alone, so there is some waiting time, but I think the speed of work is quite fast. He is a good dentist that you would want to visit even if there is a long wait.

  • カプチーノ



    He will carefully check to make sure there are no mistakes in treatment 👍

  • art13ch



    I went there for the first time because the pain was at its limit due to a cavity, but the dental hygienist and the doctor were very nice, and even though I hate dentists and was nervous, I had a lot of fun with the treatment!

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