オンリーワン 木之庄店 in Fukuyama

Japanオンリーワン 木之庄店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-18-25 Kinoshōchō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0082, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 84-973-6007
webseite: onry1.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4962144, Longitude: 133.353517

kommentare 5

  • 青木リョウジ



    This is a cheap supermarket in Fukuyama City. Occasionally, we sell rare items that are not available at major supermarkets at exceptional prices. Fresh fish is also cheap!

  • 北川富夫



    Fresh fish is on sale. Drinks, bento boxes, and side dishes are also inexpensive.

  • M I

    M I


    I use it occasionally because it's cheap, but the quality of the employees is poor. First of all, there was no greeting. Prioritize employees rather than customers. It's common for carts and strollers to be unable to pass through because the aisles are blocked by items. He doesn't even apologize when he gets stepped on by an employee who is showing off. I feel uncomfortable every time I go. We want you to have a comfortable shopping environment. Since it's a service industry, wouldn't it be better to train employees?

  • あいどんどん



    This store is open until ②② o'clock, and other stores are open until ②① o'clock, so it's helpful when you're late shopping m(_ _)m weekday mornings and Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays mornings. You have to wait in line at the cash register for quite a while, but there are fewer people shopping at night! You don't have to line up at the cash register, but the items on special sale may be gone m(_ _)m during that day. We have special sale items that you want, so please take advantage of them. The products on the racks outside are grasshoppers 💦 They're cheap anyway!!! I try to look at them before entering the store 🙇 Since the coronavirus outbreak, flyers are no longer included in newspaper inserts, but eggs... , On Saturday and Sunday mornings and on Wednesdays, there will be special sales from ④ o'clock in the morning and ④ in the afternoon ❗ There will be a lot of people 😞💦 There will be a line at the cash register (-_-;) However, if you go too late, it will be sold out m( __)m In addition, special items and items other than eggs are limited to purchases over 1,000 yen, so please be careful. There are some people who don't know about it, so (*_*) Special item flyers will be packed in bags. It's on the table! Please feel free to take it home. Anyway, the drinking water (juice, etc.) and ramen noodles on the rack outside are pretty cheap if they are close to their expiry date. P.S. When I visited the store in 2nd month of 2020, they had stopped selling eggs on sale m(_ _)m I don't know about Saturdays and Sundays, but...

  • Nero Shrestha

    Nero Shrestha


    One of the best supermarket for cheap and fresh food, vegetables, meat, fish etc. ❤️❤️

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