Onomichi Roman Coffee Seifu Shinto Store in Hiroshima

JapanOnomichi Roman Coffee Seifu Shinto Store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-chōme-1-1 Tomominami, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-3168, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-962-5488
webseite: roman-coffee.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4453424, Longitude: 132.3778145

kommentare 5

  • まりふぁんすたけし



    Thick sliced ​​toast + blended coffee I received~. Coffee is consistently delicious no matter when you drink it. You can brew it using a siphon. That commitment is reflected in the aroma and richness 😋☕️ This thick-sliced ​​toast has slits to prevent the butter from soaking in, so the flavor spreads really well when you take a bite. The staff's customer service is polite and bright, and the atmosphere inside the store is nice and relaxing. The parking lot is large and easy to park. PayPay is also fine. It was very delicious.

  • Yuki Y (daddy Yuki)

    Yuki Y (daddy Yuki)


    I used to come here relatively often, but today I came with my wife for the first time in a while. There's still a long wait for a seat, but once you're shown around, you can enjoy your time at your leisure. The food is quite tasty, but the taste is a little strong. Well, you can relax.

  • R 777

    R 777


    Came here for the waffles🧇 Pour me coffee at your seat. Customer service was also polite ☺️ waffles and fruit It was delicious!

  • E K

    E K


    Visited the store as soon as it opened. I was shown around in a panic. I would like to have enough time to respond when the store opens. It's a shame because the atmosphere, aroma, and food are great, but it's a chain restaurant so it can't be helped ^^; But I want to go again!

  • non



    It's my favorite place 💕 You can easily go even by yourself. The scent of coffee permeates through the calm and relaxing interior. When I come alone, I eat plain waffles and spend time with my favorite book. When I came with a friend, I received a colorful and seasonal waffle plate.

nächste Cafe

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