Ongagawa Post Office i Onga

JapanOngagawa Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-6-17 Ongagawa, Onga, Onga District, Fukuoka 811-4399, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-293-0042
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8472156, Longitude: 130.6709022

kommentar 5

  • るら



    The person at the post office in his 30s? The woman's response was so bad that she gave me a very unpleasant look.

  • ao ai

    ao ai


    A young postal receptionist? Woman: I feel really bad. I explained mechanically and was treated with annoyance. It's a shame because up until now, other people have been very polite in accepting my request.

  • Ram AL

    Ram AL


    The site is originally small, so if a user crowds in, there will be a wait of several minutes. It is difficult to use it during breaks. I would like to see measures taken as soon as possible, as the transfer process is becoming more difficult as users age. I think it's even more so if the company claims to be closely connected to the local community.

  • 高橋正治



    It's a local business, so please do your best in customer service😃It's amazing.

  • 根津一秀



    There is also a landscape stamp, and the design is reminiscent of the Onga River. If you are walking from JR station, go in the opposite direction from the Onga River. About 5 minutes. If you get on and off the up train, you will be on the platform. The ticket gate is directly connected.

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