おんどる藤枝店 en Fujieda




🕗 horarios

1-chōme-28-23 Tanuma, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-634-2008
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8473915, Longitude: 138.2578895

comentarios 5

  • ゆぅ



    It was a very delicious yakiniku✨️ The rice was delicious too~🍚 I'm satisfied with the price 😊

  • K M

    K M


    Since I don't like fatty meat, I mainly had beef tongue and skirt steak, but the meat was tender and the portion size was reasonable, which was good. The chicken porridge was also light and delicious. You can order from a tablet placed at your seat, but the food is delivered very quickly, and you can order a pitcher of ice water (free of charge), which will be useful for people with children.

  • momo T

    momo T


    I ate a lot! ️ The meat is delicious and the beef tongue is thick. It cost 10,000 yen for two girls, and the only drink we had was water, so it was mostly meat!! ️ Sometimes I move on to salad or kimchi platter, and then meat 🥓 After ordering rice, I ate stone-grilled bibimbap, cold noodles, and bibim noodles, and finished off with horumon. Everything was delicious 😊😊 The price is now 5000 yen per person. With this, if you drink soft drinks and alcoholic drinks, it will easily cost over 13,000 yen for two people, so the cost performance is 🧐🧐🧐 If you're looking for the most expensive all-you-can-eat yakiniku course near you, you'll be able to get slightly upgraded meat, and there's a wide variety of desserts, so it might be a good deal.

  • Sam Sakai

    Sam Sakai


    A sister restaurant to Yakiniku Gyeongju in Shizuoka City. The meat is of high quality and delicious. It's much more delicious and reasonably priced than the chain restaurants around here.

  • towa



    It's my first time at a Yakiniku restaurant - I didn't really like meat, but it's delicious and fun to eat different kinds of grilled meat - The staff was kind and it was a restaurant I'd like to come back to again.

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