Olympic w Kochi



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-4-2 Kamimachi, Kochi, 780-0901, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-823-0205
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5574753, Longitude: 133.5170897

komentarze 5

  • 坂本弘美



    It was more delicious than the price and I was very satisfied. It was my favorite fried udon.

  • ののそん



    Super cheap! However, the quantity is large and it is delicious! I've been going to this coffee shop for over 10 years (*^^*) Even if you add ¥500 fried udon and ¥100 rice ball, it's ¥600, and the other menu items are around ¥500 to ¥800, which is very reasonable. This is a long-established coffee shop that I hope will continue to be open forever.

  • 川村結花



    I went there with my family of 3, but the waiter's attitude was so bad that I didn't like the food. could not be done ! The yakisoba, which they had boasted about as being popular, was so flavorful that I couldn't eat it without white rice! It's a restaurant that is friendly to regular customers, so I feel like I'll continue to stay with them for many years to come! Highly recommended for people who want to feel bad!!

  • いいだ



    I was a little hesitant, but I decided to give it a try since I read another review saying that the staff had a bad attitude. There were two women there, and when I asked for my order, the kitchen... “Please tell me (from there)!” Because I was told “Katsu curry please!” I was so embarrassed that I had to shout. However, I didn't feel that the response was particularly bad, and the taste was delicious, so I was satisfied.

  • n



    If you're looking for volume, go here. Since there is often a wait during lunch time, we will change the time slot. This is a store I go to when I'm looking for volume at a low price, so I'm not looking for service that much (*^^*) As long as you have water and food🍽 There are a lot of fried foods ^^; The people in this neighborhood know how cheap it is, so there are a lot of regulars ♬

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