Okubo Dental Clinic w Uki

JaponiaOkubo Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Toyofuku-1594-4 Matsubasemachi, Uki, Kumamoto 869-0524, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 964-33-5226
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.634382, Longitude: 130.701093

komentarze 3

  • napoxkeifreewill1104



    Children who are a little fussy are told that they don't treat them and that their parents are spoiling them, so they sent them home without treatment. Even the children complain persistently. On another day, she put her feet on the examination table and removed the metal fittings with all her might, and two baby teeth that were not even loose came out. As a result, my child started hating the dentist. I don't want to give even one star.

  • yu*nnie



    Treatment may be effective, but Even though I had made a reservation, I had to wait an hour! I was treated without a single word of apology for keeping me waiting. Before treatment, I was told the irony of what I was worried about, I was worried about the teacher's friend tone, but one of the staff members was not very friendly. I chose my current clinic because it was close to my home. Once my current treatment is over, I will never go there again! I go to different places even if they are far away! The only person at the reception is kind and polite, but... I gave this rating based on the total evaluation!

  • ドラゴンどんぶり



    This clinic also requires reservations, and although some patients are reluctant to treat sudden tooth pain, they are available for consultation.Even when they leave, they politely remind us, ``It would be a good idea to call us if you have a sudden toothache next time.'' I feel sorry for this, but I feel confident that it will be okay to go to the dentist again✨✨The dentist is also very polite and nice (*´∇`*)

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