Okayama Saiseikai General Hospital in Okayama

JapanOkayama Saiseikai General Hospital



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2-25 Kokutaichō, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0021, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-252-2211
webseite: www.okayamasaiseikai.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6726283, Longitude: 133.9201752

kommentare 5

  • K K

    K K


    I will only write about my experience of being hospitalized for a serious illness. Many of the nurses come from affiliated nursing schools, so many are young graduates. He is kind and highly skilled. This was not the case in the ICU, but in the general ward, even if a nurse was called once, it would take 15 minutes or the nurse would never come. If you ring it 3 times, it will come in 3 minutes. This is probably due to a lack of nurses, not negligence. Doctors are very hit and miss, and it was embarrassing to see them get angry not only with those around them but also with their patients. Even the nurses feel scared. I can only say that I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by the doctor in charge. However, there are many very good doctors there, and I feel that the emergency facility is one of the best in Okayama with its comprehensive capabilities. that's all

  • 光畑郁子



    There seem to be pros and cons, but I was treated very kindly. The doctor came to see me in the morning and evening, and someone else came to check on me every two hours. I was far away from home and due to work commitments, my family couldn't take care of me at all, so I was really grateful to all the staff for their help. I am especially grateful to the nurse who invited me to wash my hair because she was free on Sunday. I don't want to take care of you too much, but I would like to take care of you again next time.

  • Jeremy Brooks

    Jeremy Brooks


    I had an excellent overall experience at saiseikai general hospital. I needed an emergency surgery which was absolutely terrifying, but my surgeon spoke English fluently and was patient with me, the nurses and physical therapist were kind and encouraging and helped me recover quickly, along with my nutritionist who was also supportive and provided delicious food. I recommend getting a private room as it is quiet and far less stressful than the public ward especially after emergency surgery. I don’t like hospitals at all, but I’m glad I chose Saiseikai.

  • DL Allen

    DL Allen


    Be careful when using emergency rooms of large hospitals in Okayama for non-emergency treatment. They require a referral letter from a GP/internal medicine doctor/内科. Without one, the hospital will charge an additional 5,000 yen. Except for the long wait to see a doctor and receive medication, people are nice. They try their best to communicate in English. They have good doctors for primary care. Avoid orthopedics if you can. I had three bad experiences with them.

  • Kemp Edmonds

    Kemp Edmonds


    As a guyjin with type-1 diabetes, the doctors and nurses here acted swiftly to save my life and provided care and attention to ensure a swift recovery. I am eternally grateful.

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