Okayama Saidaiji Hospital in Okayama

JapanOkayama Saidaiji Hospital



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1-chōme-1-70 Kanaoka Higashimachi, Higashi-ku, Okayama, 704-8194, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-943-2211
webseite: www.saidaiji-hp.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.648558, Longitude: 134.0278223

kommentare 5

  • M'りん



    The teacher is very kind. Anyway, the waiting time and the waiting area are hot... I feel like I'm going to get even worse, but I'm enduring the waiting time. It would be helpful if you could consider air conditioning...

  • くるる



    A family member was hospitalized, but the nurses didn't seem to recognize the patient and treated the family member who came to visit them as patients. When I tried to leave, my boss stopped me and asked me what was going on, and my boss called me and told me something strange and that I didn't understand. In the end, I was told that I was not a patient, but the nurse said, ``Aha, I made a mistake (lol)'' and they talked among themselves without apologizing to me. Even before being admitted to the hospital, I was made to undergo the same tests over and over again even though the diagnosis was clear. He said, ``I wonder why,'' even though the results were already clear from a year ago based on the data. I now wonder if I was earning money from medical examinations only by doing tests. Personally, I don't want to get involved no matter how many hospitals there are and I'm told this is the only place I can go.




    The doctors and nurses are good, but the reception system is very bad. It takes too much time to see which department. Please increase the number of reception staff or have a concierge-like guide who can answer simple questions. You won't be able to make any progress if the receptionist is constantly being held back by things like the person returning to the hospital not knowing how to swipe the patient's ticket into the machine. Wouldn't it be better to have a system like Okamura Isshindo? But the tests are done right away, and the doctors and nurses are always kind and helpful, so I can rely on them.

  • さんぷる



    Looking at other people's reviews, it seems like doctors are hit or miss. I have been treated by a good doctor about 4 times. Aside from the doctors, the receptionists are really the worst. The system is sometimes difficult to understand, but what do you do after you take the number ticket and fill out the medical questionnaire? That's what it feels like. When I asked about it, I was asked to wait with the medical questionnaire in hand. I wish it was written that way. Isn't it strange that when you are called, you are directed to a department that clearly has nothing to do with your symptoms? When I asked him, he asked me, "What department do you want?" When I asked for internal medicine, I was told that there were no internal medicine doctors available. Is it possible for an outpatient clinic to not have an internal medicine doctor? ? I was surprised, but the receptionist gave me something like a doctor's consultation timetable and explained it to me, but at this time there was usually an internal medicine doctor there. Of course, in the end I was able to see a doctor in the department I wanted, but then why did I say there was no internal medicine doctor? If there are elderly people wandering around because they don't know how to do the reception, ignore them, if someone is waiting to ask something, ignore them, if someone forgets to give out their file, ignore them, be a little more kind to patients. Even so, I don't think the drumstick will hit. The system is to place the file you receive at the reception desk at the appropriate counter, but the caller's voice is low or far away, making it difficult to understand when called. We don't have electronic bulletin boards like university hospitals do, and I don't like having people call me by my full name. It's a big hospital and it would be awkward if you knew someone there. It is common for small clinics to call patients by their first name, but even in a hospital this large, there is no consideration for privacy. I have never had a bad experience with a bad doctor, so I consider myself lucky in that respect, but I would like to see something done a little better about the front desk staff, who are the face of the hospital. Everyone is coming because something is wrong with them.

  • 仔パンダちゃん



    I've heard countless stories of medical mistakes that were never acknowledged by the hospital and the patients ended up crying. Doctors also make slanderous comments about the fact that they can't hear during surgery because of the anesthesia. People in positions of management training, such as board presidents and head nurses, are such people, so it is best not to go there at all.

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