Okayama Chuo Post Office in Okayama

JapanOkayama Chuo Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-1-1 Nakasange, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-004-108
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6620531, Longitude: 133.9267347

kommentare 5

  • N K_

    N K_


    I haven't been receiving letters lately. Are you crazy that you haven't been able to submit your request? What should I do if it's an important letter? You always say be careful, but do you have any intention of fixing it?

  • 京子河原



    I didn't use it this time. Previously, I was left with an absentee ticket even though I was at home, and when I told the counter, he ignored me and said, "It doesn't matter!" which made me very uncomfortable!!

  • ハンギョドン



    I was in trouble because my absentee ballot was not mailed. The cash registered mail sent on March 5th is secure. I am wondering why the simple registered express mail that I sent on the same day has not arrived even though it has arrived. There is no point in paying more than usual to send it.

  • たま



    From February 1st, the post office is supposed to deliver the current Yamato Transport mail, but is that sane? There is no space to store mail, and there are many thick catalogs, so do you think that the current post office bikes can deliver them? I have to go back and forth at least three times. This is truly insane. Mail delivery by the post office will begin on February 1st, and I'm looking forward to watching the news from various TV stations reporting on the current situation at the post office, which is in a state of panic. Thank you for your help! That's what I thought, but it was my lack of understanding. It seems that a delivery person in a light car delivering parcels will be delivering thick catalogs and other items by mail. It seems that the number of parcels being delivered has drastically decreased, and delivery staff have too much time to spare. They couldn't afford to fire the delivery man, and the post office said he was just on a boat.

  • H N

    H N


    There is a guide in front of the Central Post Office to help bicycles pass. The other day, there was a red car honking at a bicycle that was riding here. There is a lot of street parking here, so please try to drive so that bicycles can avoid it.

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