ć‚Ŗć‚«ćƒ€ćƒ‡ćƒ³ć‚æ惫ć‚Ŗćƒ•ć‚£ć‚¹ w Utsunomiya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

805-6 Nishikawatamachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0151, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-612-6481
strona internetowej: okada-do.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.5285435, Longitude: 139.8490775

komentarze 5

  • tm



    It is July 13, 2018. This was quite a while ago, but the dental hygienist and the female teacher were very nice, and I had been going there since I was pregnant, but the male teacher at that time was extremely bad and I can only feel a sense of distrust. Why did she have to be sent to a separate room and completely denied her role in raising children, saying, "I was listening to your conversation with your child earlier?" I wonder which room your sister is in? I was just having a conversation with you, so what's wrong with that? I didn't make any noise, and I wondered if I should complain at the reception, but I held back and went home. I am posting this knowing that I will be asked to expose such things here now. I'm sure you don't remember much about it, but I'm still angry, so I decided to post it. I don't want anyone else to have the same sad experience as me. At that time, I laughed and ignored it, but I still cannot forgive it, and I hope you reconsider your actions. The child wasn't running, so if it was something like that, I think it would have been better if they had told the police clearly. Previously, the response was that there were no such cases.

  • ę¢…åŽŸē„„č”›



    The other day, I toured the hospital. I work as a doctor at a dental clinic in Utsunomiya. In order to deliver preventive dental care to the community, The quality of prevention and treatment is very high, and I saw all the staff working cheerfully and energetically, and I felt that it was an environment where I could come to the clinic with peace of mind. The director of the implant specialist is eager to learn and is a friendly person. Since moving to Utsunomiya, I have been asking for maintenance for my wife as well. We are a wonderful dental clinic that both children and adults can visit with peace of mind, as we are passionate about tooth alignment and orthodontic treatment aimed at correct growth from childhood. Thank you very much for your valuable time.

  • m



    We provide wisdom teeth extractions that have grown sideways, treatment for cavities, and maintenance. I feel that the director and all the staff are highly conscious of ``for the sake of the patients.'' He will explain to you the current state of your teeth and mouth, as well as future treatment plans, in an easy-to-understand manner. The tooth extraction and cavity treatment were done very well. Thank you very much. This is a dental clinic where you can continue to visit with peace of mind.

  • satoä½č—¤



    Treatment is not progressing. If it's Saturday, the next reservation will be in six months. Please note that regular check-ups are more expensive than other hospitals and they often encourage you to pay for your own treatment. Actually, I didn't want to give any stars, but I can't write without it, so I regret giving it 1.

  • äø‰äøŠč«­



    My name is Satoshi Mikami and I run Mikami Dental Clinic Children's Mirai Clinic in Niigata City. Thank you to Dr. Jun Okada, Dr. Yoko Okada, and the members of Okada Dental Office for allowing me to tour their clinic the other day. I would like to take this opportunity to express what I learned and what I would like to incorporate into our hospital. When I visited Okada Dental Office, which is famous nationwide in the dental world, the first thing I noticed was the excellent clinic culture. The staff prepared in the morning to welcome the patients, and I felt that they had a high level of hospitality as medical professionals. At the morning assembly, messages and messages were communicated in a timely manner for the purpose of thorough medical treatment, and there was also a cheerful atmosphere, with thorough team medical care. One of the major features of Okada Dental Office is that it offers both ``true preventive dental care'' and ``high-quality dental treatment.'' The term "preventive dentistry" is commonly used in society, but we practice "true preventive dentistry" based on precise clinical data. It has been proven that this is directly linked to the health of patients. There is a wide range of dental treatment, including tooth decay treatment, periodontal disease treatment, crowns, implants, orthodontic treatment, etc. Both were practiced at a high level. It is difficult to judge the quality of treatment unless you are in the same field, but after seeing the sincere efforts of the doctors, If I was going to receive dental treatment, I felt that I would want to ask Dr. Okada. It's quite difficult to commute from Niigata (lol) A dental clinic requires comprehensive strength, and I found that Okada Dental Office is constantly working to improve its comprehensive strength. The members of the clinic strive to provide the best and most up-to-date dental care, and they continue to make efforts to learn a lot, and this knowledge is put to good use by the patients. It is difficult to balance daily medical treatment and study, and many dental clinics have stopped moving forward. I have visited many dental clinics, and there is no doubt that Okada Dental Office is a top-class clinic in every aspect. I will bring it back to Niigata and work hard to provide excellent dental care like the doctors. Thank you very much to Dr. Jun Okada, Dr. Yoko Okada, and the members of Okada Dental Office for giving me this valuable opportunity.

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