Oita Bank Tsurusaki Branch in Oita

JapanOita Bank Tsurusaki Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-1-12 Minamitsurusaki, Oita, 870-0104, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 97-527-2121
webseite: pkg.navitime.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.2393163, Longitude: 131.6929314

kommentare 5

  • kanaxox



    Considering that there are a lot of people on paydays, there was someone at the reception desk right after you climbed the stairs, so it was nice to be able to guide you to the counter right away. The parking lot is wide so it's helpful.

  • 阿部宰士



    My birthplace is in Tsurusaki, and we have known each other for about half a century. I'm sure you're going through a lot of trouble, but no matter when I call, you always respond cheerfully, kindly, and politely. Thank you very much☺️

  • Mikoto



    It has been rebuilt and is now beautiful, with an insurance consultation and ATM on the first floor and a counter on the second floor.I didn't know how to use the elevator, so I took the stairs at first.It was both convenient and inconvenient...

  • Bravo November

    Bravo November


    When it comes to inheritance, even though all the necessary documents have been submitted, what is wrong with refusing to hand over the deceased's savings to the heirs, saying, ``The head office says it's no good?''

  • 独現人豊後ライダー



    Good thing the parking lot is wide! ! It's hard to see at the entrance to the underground walkway when exiting Route 197. Be careful! If you are heading towards Sakanoichi, it is faster to exit through the back exit and go through the Nakatsurusaki 2-chome intersection.

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