Ōimachi Station i Shinagawa

JapanŌimachi Station


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1 Chome-1 Oi, Shinagawa, Tokyo 140-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: www.jreast.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.6076208, Longitude: 139.7347328

kommentar 5

  • Steffen Eckart

    Steffen Eckart


    The deli area in atre is wonderful. Try in particular the B&M delicatessen

  • Ega Dioni Putri

    Ega Dioni Putri


    Surrounded by several shopping centers, nice transit point to go to Odaiba or Chiba.

  • Varghese Joseph

    Varghese Joseph


    Good location to get around places like Tokyo Big Sight without going to Tokyo main area

  • en

    Aice B


    Near ito yokado and lots of restaurants. The station is also spacious, esp for rinkai line

  • XxNamoun Z KunG4xX

    XxNamoun Z KunG4xX


    This station don't have much line like the other does but the line that they have are very useful (especially けいひんとほく line) The Rinkai line is easy to go to odiaba And the keihin line can easily go to tokyo And this station also have bus stop too

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