Ohtani Dental Clinic en Matsuyama

JapónOhtani Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

6-chōme-2-6 Izumiminami, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0941, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-957-3252
sitio web: www.ohtani-dental.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8119672, Longitude: 132.7601169

comentarios 5

  • 水代理恵



    I take care of children's teeth orthodontics and treatment, as well as whitening my own teeth. When my children were small, I remember how grateful I was for them to treat me kindly and politely, even when they were reluctant. Teeth whitening was a difficult task for me as I am a lazy person, but she gave me advice that was tailored to my personality and made me look great! I would like to continue going there with my family.

  • 菊池武史



    I moved to Matsuyama 8 years ago and when I searched for a dentist on the internet, I read the reviews and made an appointment at Otani Orthodontics. I have been to several dentists in the past, but Otani Orthodontics was the best among them. The hospital director's kind response and high level of skill, the staff's courteous response, and the good atmosphere within the clinic were all at an excellent level. (Once, while my little brother was waiting for his mother's dentist appointment in the children's waiting area, he started crying, but I was moved by how quickly the staff took care of him.) I am very sorry to have to move to Kyoto, but my family and I have been very grateful to you for the past eight years.

  • 憂


    I started going here about 5-6 years ago for my older child's orthodontic treatment, and now both my younger child and I are being cared for here. I was very disappointed that there was a dental hygienist who had an unpleasant experience, but the rest of the staff, including the director, were really good and polite, worked efficiently, and were all very pleasant people. . I am able to go to the clinic with peace of mind because they provide thorough explanations. I have no plans to change dentistry in the future, so I look forward to your continued support (*^^*)

  • Mayo I

    Mayo I


    We have been using him for several years for regular cleanings, corrections, and whitening. Although the director is very busy, he speaks in a gentle manner and is easy to talk to, providing satisfactory treatment. All of the staff members are very polite and kind, and respond with detailed explanations. The hospital is clean, green, and has a stylish interior. Previously, it smelled like aroma and was soothing. Now that I'm pregnant, I'm grateful that it's odorless, and I'm proud to say that I want to lean back in a high-backed chair. However, I once again realized how wonderful the staff was attentive and concerned about my health. Up until now, I didn't like going to the dentist and couldn't continue, but I naturally wanted to go here again. I'm currently far away, but I look forward to seeing you again when I return home.

  • いとー



    Thank you for your correction. Due to its popularity, there may be a waiting time even if you have made a reservation, but I appreciate everyone's cheerful and courteous service no matter how busy the day may be. The director's treatment is efficient and quick every time, and although I am nervous, I can trust him. I have a hard time getting used to the pain that comes with adjusting the wires, but my teeth are now aligned much better and I feel like I can do my best until the end. I'm glad I chose this dentist.

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