Ohkido Hotel i Tonosho

JapanOhkido Hotel


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5165-216 Kō, Tonosho, Shozu District, Kagawa 761-4102, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 879-62-5001
internet side: www.ohkido.com
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Latitude: 34.4881756, Longitude: 134.1722308

kommentar 5

  • Ayumi Melina E

    Ayumi Melina E


    I had a pleasant stay. The hotel is old, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. There is also a bath here which is nice. The hotel is right next to the port and bus stations so very easy access. You should also consider renting bikes. You only need the Hello Cycling app and a credit card. There is a 7/11 convenient store nearby. Rooms where clean, beds where confy, the view was beautiful and staff was very helpful too.

  • Alfred Chan

    Alfred Chan


    Comfortable resort, cost of accommodation covers japanese style 9 courses dinner and breakfast buffet. Definitely value for money. The only drawback is that the 23 square meters big room only comes with a tiny 14 inch tv.

  • LEE Scott

    LEE Scott


    Hotel with good sized public bath. Their bath features sea water bath with is cool as the hotel is right by the sea. The rooms were rather old but well maintained and spacious with nice seating area to enjoy a cup of green tea with ocean view

  • Warren



    Older business style hotel, fine for one night, handy to ferry.

  • Patrick MF Cheng

    Patrick MF Cheng


    Just having lunch...value for money...good services!

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