Ofuro Cafe Utatane en Saitama

JapónOfuro Cafe Utatane



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-179-3 Ōnarichō, Kita Ward, Saitama, 331-0815, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 48-856-9899
sitio web: ofurocafe-utatane.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9271464, Longitude: 139.6160639

comentarios 5

  • Andrew Itsuno

    Andrew Itsuno


    The WiFi in the rooms don’t really work at night when it’s crowded. The sink in the room has boiling hot water so be very careful. There’s no shower in the rooms. It has a lot of common areas to relax and read manga and drink coffee. The onsen is nice but there are a lot of kids. One kid was running around in the locker room and bumping into people.

  • Blake Weissling

    Blake Weissling


    I found this rather unique hotel/spa/communal space due to its proximity to the nearby Bonsai Museum and Village in Omiya. What initially attracted me to the facility were the Onsen baths and the on-site cafe. I did my homework beforehand however so I had some idea of the spa concept and the communal space concept (the library, work areas, napping areas, and the public baths, etc). Most of the negative reviews I read seemed to originate with non-Japanese being uncomfortable with the concept of everyone lounging around in pajamas, reading, eating, napping, bathing, and game-playing. My partner and I found this concept not only culturally unique but also incredibly inviting and accommodating. Never were we made to feel out place - in a two day stay we were the only foreigners amongst a few hundred guests - both day and overnight. The food was excellent and very fairly priced, the jacuzzis, saunas, and bathing areas were clean and well maintained. And as is the custom in Japanese onsen baths, no bathing attire is allowed. Full nudity is the norm - but men’s facilities are separate from the women’s.

  • Ivan Ordoñez

    Ivan Ordoñez


    Nice place, pretty cozy. Its spaces are planned for being aesthetic and comfortable. I like the mixture of people relaxing and working in pajamas. The cafeteria's food is simple but has a seasonal menu you can try not to get bored of you come often. The total space of the place is smaller than I thought so it is easy to get crowded. Try to avoid popular times and mind your manners so everyone can enjoy it. The access is automated, you need to get your access on a touchscreen, enter the gate with a code and pay at your exit at another screen. Staff interaction is minimal. When I went there the system only displayed Japanese language and the payment was cash only.

  • Taleah



    Came here to try out the place after seeing a YouTube video about it. It's nicely decorated and has an interesting and inviting feeling. The vibe is definitely directed towards younger people, kind of hip and Instagramable. I recommend you bring your own towels and pajamas or you'll have to rent them. The clothes they proved me were WAY too small, I couldn't even get the pants up my thighs. Even my Japanese partner said his clothes were too little to be comfortable, but he wore them. The Onsen and sauna were decent and everything was clean. The food was really delicious. I had a Finnish soup set and everything was nice. As many reviews have said, it was extremely crowded. When we first arrived it was quiet and seemed like a great place to relax. An hour later, after we had finished bathing, it was almost impossible to find an empty chair. People were wandering around the whole time, searching for places to sit. It was loud and crowded from that point on until we left. We never got to try out the fun seating areas available, so it was a little disappointing. Overall, a nice place that has all the perks of a typical Onsen, but a much livelier environment. If you don't mind noise, you'll be fine.

  • L Chris

    L Chris


    I thought this is a nice place to relax, so my husband and I drove almost 2 hours to come and stayed overnight here. But it turn out to be a noisy and horrible environment. In the middle of the night so many youngsters gathered and played games laughing and talking so loud. Normal spa staff would advise their customers not to do so during night and this pandemic period. But the management here didn’t cared about their customers even if you tell them to; it seems only business matter to them. I would never recommend anyone who seeks for relaxation to come here.

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