Obstetrics and Gynecology Sagawa Clinic w Kanazawa

JaponiaObstetrics and Gynecology Sagawa Clinic



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1-chōme-308番地 Kamiaraya, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8065, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 76-240-0300
strona internetowej: www.sagawa-clinic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.5479512, Longitude: 136.5928723

komentarze 5

  • めぐ



    What's more, we have childcare available, and a kind-looking teacher watches your child in a separate room, so you can feel safe even if you bring your child with you. The teacher is very skilled and has a kind demeanor that makes it easy to ask anything. I got the impression that many of the staff members were very nervous. The staff seemed friendly with each other. When I checked for the misalignment of the contraceptive ring, the doctor at another hospital was strict, or told me that it was missing or couldn't be found, but she kindly told me that it was difficult to see☺️, which made me feel at ease in terms of both her technique and her personality. Since I am a high-risk pregnant woman myself, I was not able to give birth here, but I heard that the hospital was clean and the food was delicious, so I would have liked to try it at least once.

  • Yiruma



    I recently gave birth by caesarean section at this clinic. I originally came here from the beginning of my pregnancy because I wanted it to be painless, but I'm so glad I gave birth here even though I had a caesarean section! It's a popular clinic, so the waiting time was long on Saturday, and it took about 3 hours from the time I checked in to the time I finished. Since then, I have been going for checkups on weekdays, and on weekdays it only takes about an hour. I think you can agree or disagree with the teacher, but he is not a bad teacher. During check-ups and surgeries, they asked me if I was okay and checked my condition before proceeding, so I was able to entrust my work with peace of mind. The nurses and midwives were very kind and listened carefully to any concerns I had about my baby or childcare, and even the serving and cleaning staff were friendly and I had a fulfilling stay in the hospital! As other reviews have said, the food was delicious! ! If I am blessed with a second child, I would like to give birth here again (^^)

  • s c

    s c


    I went to the hospital hoping for a painless delivery. Baby It's hard to come down Have an X-ray taken Diagnosed with cephalopelvic disproportion I had a caesarean section. anesthesia before caesarean section It hurts quite a bit Hear from someone who gave birth at another maternity hospital I was there, but Dr. Sagawa uses anesthesia for painless delivery. Since you are used to injections, It didn't hurt at all. Also the incision In a place that can be hidden by your pants Because you laid me down small I am happy that the scars are not noticeable. Mr. Sagawa made the right decision each time. I'll give you a medical examination Being able to live with peace of mind until the end It's done. I think my water broke on New Year's Day, January 2nd. Even when I feel anxious Regardless of closed days Dr. Sagawa examined me. Also, after being discharged from the hospital, my husband got the flu. It took a while Even when I called because I was worried We will inspect your car and prescribe medication. I was also impressed with the thoroughness of the aftercare. The outpatient nurse who took care of me was really kind. The food is delicious as per the reviews. I looked forward to meal time every day⭐︎ Free foot massage included Shower and footbath machines, etc. Make sure you feel comfortable in the hospital It was well thought out. When giving instructions on preparing milk Please give me a small baby bottle I was happy and From Sagawa Clinic To celebrate your discharge from the hospital I also received a set from MIKI HOUSE. I was happy! It was such a wonderful clinic that I definitely wanted to give birth here when I gave birth to my second child.

  • kanami hayashi

    kanami hayashi


    I gave birth here! Anyway, the food is delicious! I was looking forward to postpartum! Professor Sagawa is reliable. The midwives are polite. The staff are kind. Dandelion tea service I was happy. The gift I received when I left the hospital MIKI HOUSE A set of towels that can be used for underwear and bathing. Really quick to use It was helpful. All facilities are clean I'm very satisfied. It's a lifetime memory. To everyone involved Thank you from the bottom of my heart. thank you very much!

  • Dodo



    I recommend this Obstetric clinic, nice and clean . They have a lot of doctors and they have a female dr. If you are having a baby a very nice clinic to have your baby.They have nice rooms .

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