Oakwood en Kasukabe




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966-51 Hatchōme, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 48-760-0357
sitio web: www.oakwood.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9898398, Longitude: 139.7596462

comentarios 5

  • Junya



    I visited Oakwood in Kasukabe, which I had been interested in for a while, for the first time around 4pm during the Golden Week period. The parking lot is surprisingly large, and there are security guards outside, so when you park and enter the premises, it feels like a fairy tale. When I entered the cafe side, it was full at the time of my visit, so there were two groups waiting, so we were seated in about 10 minutes. The inside of the store is stylish and has a very warm wood feel to it, so when ordering... I ordered two items: ・Strawberry Crunchy Tart ¥590- ・Design Cappuccino ¥650- After a while, the staff ran out of cakes and suggested only cakes that were still available, so I ordered the strawberry shortcake. ■About strawberry shortcake There is one large strawberry on the top of the cake and a cut strawberry inside the cake cream. When I tried it right away, I noticed that the strawberries had almost no sourness, and I got the impression that the strawberries were quite sweet. Is the cream itself a good combination of animal and vegetable ingredients? It's a relatively refreshing and smooth cream, and it's very smooth, but I don't think it has enough richness and flavor to make an impact. That's the impression. The sponge itself is very fluffy and soft to the touch, and the overall quality is high, but I personally feel that it lacks the impact of flavor and richness compared to famous stores in Tokyo (Atesway) etc. I actually felt it. The atmosphere is great for a date or with friends, but I feel like it's a little different if you're looking for taste. It was a feast.

  • 岩太郎



    A confectionery shop that I've been curious about for a long time. I happened to have some business to go to Kasukabe, so I tried stretching my legs. There is a cafe attached. I wanted to eat the cake right away, so Entering from the cafe, Maybe it was a few minutes before the last order. We were guided to our seats without having to wait. I was worried about the food, but I stuck to my initial intentions. I ordered coffee, Tonga bean fondant chocolate, and elderflower soda, which can only be eaten at the cafe. Impressed by the sweetness of elderflower, Enjoy the fondant chocolate. (Sorry for taking so much time) I have eaten fondant chocolate several times, but I felt that it had the best texture and texture I've ever eaten. It was a feeling I had never had before. Of course the taste is delicious. It doesn't mean that you have a strong personality or assertiveness, I was impressed with the texture of the cake. (It's difficult to express...) The store clerk was also a cheerful person, Popular and recommended cakes I was told. Even before the last order, Even after I was shown around, several groups came to the store. I got a glimpse of its popularity. After eating, I headed to the shop. Both the entrance and the cafe, The inside of the store also has a nice view of the world. I ended up wandering around the store, I bought some souvenirs. The store is not just about cakes, Salt and tea used in tea and sweets, There were bags and books. Baked sweets also seem to be popular. Financier at your leisure The man who put it in a cute basket, ``I don't know if it's delicious or not, but... I think the sweets at this shop are good." He told me, but It shows that I am being modest, I'm sure for him too. I felt that it was a special sweet. I didn't know when I would be able to go next, so I didn't make a shop card, but When I come to Kasukabe again, Oakwood's sweets too, I also met a nice store clerk. looking forward to it. Thank you for your wonderful time. Thank you for the meal.

  • 西崎昭吾(あうあうあ)



    It's a super popular store! I went there first thing in the morning, and there was a long line of people even before the store opened. However, the parking lot is relatively large, so it's easy to get to. The atmosphere of the shop is fairy tale-like and makes you want to keep looking at it. The cake looks delicious! Everyone has their own preferences, so the way they feel about it may be different. I think Mameru would be a better fit for us, but it's no wonder they're so popular. Also, the danishes and croissants are super delicious! ! I feel like it wasn't there in the past, but it's worth coming just for this! They also had scones, so I think I'll come again. If you're in the area, please check it out!

  • 荒井照



    This is a sweets shop with a restaurant attached. This time I went to a restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed for lunch, but I was able to order a light meal that included a sandwich and soup, so I took that first. The sandwich bread was crispy and delicious, and the soup was smooth and delicious. We had dessert after the meal. I received a crepe. The crepe is simmered in citrus syrup and is delicious on its own, but it was also delicious when eaten with vanilla ice cream. The friend I went with ordered the seasonal Mont Blanc. They were delicious too. The atmosphere of the shop was reminiscent of a cabin in the forest and I felt calm.

  • レオ[タートル]



    The exterior and interior are very cute with a fairy tale atmosphere, and the cakes are also beautiful. The product description was very detailed, and I wanted to eat it while reading it later, so I asked if I could take a photo, and she happily agreed with a smile. Since it was 30 minutes before closing, many of the products were sold out, and I couldn't find the "Uji" that was featured in Matsuko's Unknown World and Ad Street, but the other cakes were attractive enough that it was worth coming. After choosing a cake and paying, I was asked to look around the store and wait. I wandered around. This is good, this is also cute, so I fell into the trap of buying more (*´▽`*)ゞ This is also the result of the atmosphere inside this store and the smiles of the staff ★★★ I received the ecrate. Not only did it look great, but it also tasted amazing♪ It's small and a little expensive, but it's on a different level from the cakes I usually get. :+((*´艸`))+:。 I suddenly wanted to eat “Uji”! I would like to get revenge soon. P.S. Dry ice is free for up to 2 hours, and additional 1 hour is available for 60 yen. 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 Last time I came to buy "Uji" which was introduced in Matsuko's Unknown World, but it was sold out and I missed it. So this time I visited in the afternoon ε=ヽ(*>∇<)ノ Of course I would have won at this time, but it happened ♪ I ordered 8 pieces including the one requested by a colleague. *Uji has food samples lined up and they take them out from the refrigerator in the back. I went home and ate with my family. This is delicious!:+((*´艸`))+:。 The cream on the top has a nice matcha aroma and is delicious.The bottom layer has a hint of alcohol and has a mature taste. 590 yen (tax included) is quite expensive for this size, but I felt that this cake was worth it! I would also like to try the cafe next door and will visit again.

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