のぞみ歯科空港東 w Shime




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3-chōme-5-11 Befu, Shime, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-2205, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-937-5900
strona internetowej: kasuya.nozomi-dc.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6049731, Longitude: 130.4568647

komentarze 5

  • Mom Kai's

    Mom Kai's


    My family is taking care of me. There are several doctors on staff who can speak English, which is very helpful. Even children as young as 3 years old are treated slowly without being rushed. The nurses around me are also very kind. After the treatment is over, toys are provided for my child and he happily chooses them each time. When I don't have time, I can listen to my selfish needs, which is very helpful.

  • ゆん



    I had a wisdom tooth extracted that was growing sideways, but it didn't swell at all! ! ! Since there are multiple doctors, there are various reviews, but it may be okay to trust the oral surgeon.

  • カークハメット



    Eight years ago, I made an appointment over the phone because I was suffering from tooth pain. The treatment was difficult for me as I have various medical conditions that make anesthesia difficult for me, but the treatment was very kind and thorough. The explanations were clear and easy to understand, which made me feel at ease. (It was really painful because the anesthesia didn't work) However, the treatment was spot on ☺️ It's been 8 years since I've been there, but I'm thinking about going there soon. PS: I just made a reservation, and the receptionist was very kind and polite ☺️

  • みかん



    I was reminded of this while watching the news about the accidental death of a kindergartener, so I would like to share this with those who are considering treatment for small children. Previously, my son was treated for cavities when he was about 3 years old. This was my son's first visit to the dentist, and the male dentist began treatment while I soothed him, who was nervous about what he would be treated with. My son was crying out whether he was scared or in pain. A dentist who never stops. Grumpy dental assistant sucking saliva from the side. He looked up and cried, saliva getting into his throat, and it was obvious he was in pain, so I asked him to stop, saying, ``Excuse me!'' I lifted him up, and patted and rubbed his back. When I looked inside my mouth, I saw blood coming from the gums where the dental assistant had been suctioning... I said, ``That's enough for today,'' and I just paid the treatment fee and went home. Of course, I had a phobia of dentists for a while after that (it was very troubling), but I was successfully treated by a dentist in Hakata, and I now say, ``This is my recommended dentist!'' It was 😊 Choosing a dentist is important for adults too, but it can be traumatic for children, so choose carefully! Reviews, whether good or bad, are not everything, but they are definitely one of the factors in choosing a product.

  • nh nh

    nh nh


    If it's not your real name, it's true It seems like they won't admit it I'll say my name first! This is Takuki Nanri. In a word, it's the worst in many ways. I don't think I'll ever go there again. First of all, the one woman at the reception desk answered the phone and visited the store. It's really unfriendly and cruel Treatment was recommended without explanation. If he looks young, he will talk to you in a sarcastic manner. As someone who works in the same customer service industry, I felt really uncomfortable. The tooth that was treated a month ago is starting to hurt. I asked for a re-examination. Then you have no choice but to be nervous! And asari I was told this lightly and wanted to see my other teeth as well. But isn't it just that you're hypersensitive? If it still hurts after a while, show me again I was gutted when I heard that! I haven't seen or touched it! The treated tooth still hurts a month later I was actually surprised because it was my first time. I don't usually write reviews, but Because there were so many unpleasant things I wrote it!

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