Nozakihigashi Clinics en Miyazaki

JapónNozakihigashi Clinics



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Takason-2105 Murasumicho, Miyazaki, 880-0837, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-28-8555
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.95816, Longitude: 131.446818

comentarios 5

  • a DIABLO (ディアブロ)

    a DIABLO (ディアブロ)


    He was hospitalized with a meniscus injury in his right knee. There was a brief explanation of the surgery. You won't know until you open the results?The explanation was so sloppy that it made me feel anxious. Post-operative explanations were given, and the patient's symptoms were mild and he was expected to be discharged from the hospital for rehabilitation in about two weeks! One week after the surgery, I had a fever of 38.8, so I took a blood test. However, there is no abnormality. What do you mean? He was told that the cause of his fever was unknown. ? I became worried and requested blood test information. There is clearly an inflammatory reaction. I asked my doctor, Mitsu◯shi, for an explanation, but he didn't come. Just then, I was told that the stitches would be removed the day after tomorrow and I would be discharged from the hospital the next day! The shapes of the right knee and left knee are clearly different. There is also pain. It hurts when I bend it and I can't bend it, probably because of the swelling. I informed the surgeon, but there was no response. I tried rehabilitation, but the pain was severe and I had difficulty walking. In the end, I was forced to bend as far as I could while taking painkillers and was discharged from the hospital. The treatment ended without any before and after explanation. I was told to rehabilitate myself. I complained to the reception desk when I was discharged from the hospital, but they did not respond. I requested the necessary documents, but they were not cooperative and told me to have them filled out at my local hospital. I felt nothing but regret and anger as I dragged my feet out the door! No matter what illness I get, I will never go there again. Nurses lack the agility to respond. The food was tasteless. He was admitted to a co-op hospital, but he was much different. If you report food that you don't like, they will take care of it, but Nozakihigashi Hospital does not. I was told to eat what was served and leave behind what I didn't like. The quality of the orthopedic surgeon is too poor.

  • aya



    I received a referral letter from another hospital and went there because I suspected a hernia in my neck and lower back, but they said, ``As far as I can see from the MRI, it's not enough to require emergency surgery, and there's no way a hernia in my neck would cause a headache, so I went to another hospital.'' I think you should have your head checked.'' Isn't there any other way to say "Please check my head"? Kocchi felt like an idiot even though he had to travel 50 minutes to get there every day with pain everywhere. Isn't it crazy to say that there are absolutely no headache symptoms due to the nerves in your neck? ``I've been having headaches for a long time...'' While we were talking, he only listened to me talk about the headache, and before I asked about any other symptoms, I said, ``Yes, that's it.'' I don't want to go there again.

  • ソロモン



    I think you'll find out if you go. I went to the doctor because my shoulder was hurting, but they took an X-ray of my neck, and in the end, the doctor had to shake my neck with his hands, and I said that my neck hurt more than my shoulder, but now it's nothing. At that time, my shoulder still had the same pain as usual! Do I have no choice but to take painkillers? If you ask me, I'll be told that drugs are the only option. What is this doctor?

  • エニぐま



    I visited a urology department because of ureteral stones. I have had this condition multiple times in the past, including this time, so I think I can judge the symptoms and pain of stones to a certain extent. When I developed symptoms in the past, I visited other private hospitals, but despite the extreme pain, I was only given palliative care with suppositories. Also, it sometimes took about two months for the stones to be expelled naturally, and during that time I lived with discomfort in my kidneys and bladder. On the other hand, even though the patient did not have a referral letter on the first day, the hospital resolved the fundamental problem in about half a day, including a urine test, X-rays, CT scan, interview, and stone crushing, and the patient was discharged at 2:00 p.m. Also, when I came back for a re-examination about two weeks later, he suggested that I examine the stones and use them as reference material for the next visit. Payment can be made by card, and medicines will be given to you at the hospital. I can't judge because I haven't seen other people's reviews or seen other departments, but if it's a urology department, I would visit this hospital again. Even if you go to a private hospital in Miyazaki City, the treatment is simply to encourage natural excretion, so it is not cost-effective in terms of time and cost.

  • t u

    t u


    As mentioned in other reviews, this is Kuso Hospital (Orthopaedics). I went to the hospital because I suspected I had a hernia, but the doctor asked me to show him where it hurts, so I told him with the palm of my hand that this is where it hurts. "(Shows index finger) Here! Come on! Please point to the painful area." he said in an irritated manner. Moreover, in the end, he said, "What do you want me to do?" I went to see a doctor to see if there was anything I could do to improve my symptoms, such as medicine or extracorporeal therapy, but I was too lazy to ask what I should do. I shouldn't have believed the bad reviews and went to this hospital. If you are looking for a hospital for orthopedics, you should really avoid this hospital!

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