North Pacific Bank Nopporo-Chūō Branch i Ebetsu

JapanNorth Pacific Bank Nopporo-Chūō Branch



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒069-0813 Hokkaido, Ebetsu, Nopporochō, 47−14
kontakter telefon: +81 11-384-7111
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.094784, Longitude: 141.52657

kommentar 5

  • Films “31184 films” Trip

    Films “31184 films” Trip


    Hokuyo Bank Nopporo Chuo Branch Financial institution code: 0501 Branch code: 496 This is a branch of Hokuyo Bank, which represents Ebetsu City. The parking lot is a ticket-issued coin parking lot, and if you swipe your ticket through the authentication machine inside the station, you can get 60 minutes free of charge. August 13, 2017🆕 September 4, 2022🆙

  • 風のオーディエンス



    Perhaps because they were trying to save money, the water in the toilet never filled up, so it was very inconvenient to use.

  • 本よう



    in hospital I'm worried about not being able to withdraw money.

  • 中井結花



    The response at the counter varies depending on the person! Some people are kind enough to do it for me, but I can't do it! There are many types of people, such as those who are very particular about something, and those who don't know but say they will look it up but don't want to ask people who understand. Unify the level I want.

  • 山下美月



    The parking lot is now ticketed. Bank users can use the authentication machine for free for 1 hour.

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