North Pacific Bank Hanakawa-Kita Branch en Ishikari

JapónNorth Pacific Bank Hanakawa-Kita Branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒061-3213 Hokkaido, Ishikari, Hanakawa Kita 3 Jō, 3-chōme−12−12
contactos teléfono: +81 133-74-3131
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.162716, Longitude: 141.310715

comentarios 5

  • もも11



    I went there on a Thursday around 2:30 p.m., and it was empty, so I was able to get help right away. I arrived just before closing time, so could you please help me today? That's what I thought, but you responded without making a negative face, which was helpful. In addition, they explained the precautions before proceeding with the procedure. In addition, they explained that the number of coins that can be deposited for free will be changed in the future. This was very helpful as I would have been charged a fee if I made a deposit without any explanation. I have dealt with this at banks several times, but this was the best I have ever received. Thank you very much 😊

  • うーちゃん



    The service is better than Hokuyo Bank in Sapporo city. I previously criticized the branch in Sapporo city, but this one is quite normal, but the branch in the city was so bad that I felt really bad.

  • 石栗慶一



    It's a normal bank with an ATM installed. If there is a drawback, it is that the parking lot is narrow.

  • DAI A

    DAI A


    The Hanagawa Minami Branch was integrated here, making it the only Hokuyo Bank in Ishikari. I was impressed by the customer service that carefully guided me through asset management, even for a small amount of money. If you go by car, it's best to go around the back side from the beginning.

  • S S

    S S


    I used an automatic service corner. This is the former Takugin Hanakawa branch. The building is large, the entrance is wide, and it is elaborately built, making it a typical Takugin building. Hanakawa Branch of Hokuyo Store → A large store that integrates Hanakawa Chuo Branch Office (ATM) and Hanakawa Kita Branch of Sagittarius Store. There were 4 ATMs and 1 bookkeeping machine, and there was alcohol disinfectant at the entrance, which made a good impression.

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