Nogita Post Office en Itoshima

JapónNogita Post Office



🕗 horarios

2267-4 Shimanogita, Itoshima, Fukuoka 819-1303, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-327-0142
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6131097, Longitude: 130.163375

comentarios 5

  • 朝原義勝



    When I was in my car in the parking lot around 8:45, someone called out to me and said, "Good morning. Please wait a little longer." I'm the one who came early I thought it was nice to be considerate. When I went to the ATM, I greeted the counter and thanked the person before leaving. I felt really good about what I was doing. It's like a chain reaction from the station staff.

  • 島山彦



  • bayan “bayan” kobayan

    bayan “bayan” kobayan


    Postal Cub MD90 is on display.

  • maimai maimai

    maimai maimai


    I went to deliver the mail on April 5th. I was surprised by this female postal worker. When a man with a young child went to the bathroom, he coldly told me to go to the police station across the street. I don't know why they can't use the bathroom or if they're worried about the coronavirus, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy who was holding his stomach as he wanted to go to the bathroom with the father who looked impatient. If there is a reason why you have to refuse, I think you should at least tell them. Especially if you are a woman and have experience raising children. The worst.

  • Ayaka Ohashi (takahasy28)

    Ayaka Ohashi (takahasy28)


Oficina postal más cercano

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