Nogami Antique Café i Okayama

JapanNogami Antique Café



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2-2 Heiwachō, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0827, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-222-8127
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Latitude: 34.6653389, Longitude: 133.9241395

kommentar 5

  • Yuri



    About 10 years ago, I stopped by on my own to have a relaxing cup of tea between business trips. The atmosphere was very nice, but I remember feeling very disappointed when the female owner approached me and said, ``Are you married? Single? Women have to have children!'' . It left such a strong impression on me that I still remember the location and name of this store. Even if it's just a small talk, I don't think it's okay to force your opinions on others.

  • 浅葱



    The owner seemed to be quite elderly, and it took nearly 10 minutes for the first bottle of water to arrive. The two of us ordered two coffees and two cakes, but they seemed to forget about the cake right away, so I asked them four times in the 40 minutes it took to get the coffee. It was done. Then, I ordered a Wiener coffee, but the one I received was a blended coffee with no fresh cream on it, and when I went to pay, I was told that they didn't know how to open the cash register (the cash register was also antique...??), so I managed to get some change. I handed it to you so that it wouldn't come out. It had an antique feel and a nice atmosphere, but other things didn't quite suit us.

  • Ahice Dao

    Ahice Dao


    An antique cafe run by an old lady. They are very friendly and the cafe atmosphere is emotional! They told me that they baked gateau chocolate today, so I ate it with iced coffee :)

  • BoZun Ding

    BoZun Ding


    What a beautiful antique cafe with beautiful ladies.

  • Isabella Tan

    Isabella Tan


    Quaint antique cafe operated by an old lady. Atmosphere is quiet & relaxed. Decoration in the cafe is made up of antiques - tea cups, sewing machine, lamps & etc. No English menu thus got to rely on Google translate to make sense of Japanese menu. Nice place overall :)

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