Niwase Dental Clinic en Okayama

JapónNiwase Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

997-1 Hirano, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-0151, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-292-6225
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6466846, Longitude: 133.858197

comentarios 5

  • 37.5



    As for the staff behind the scenes, their work is not organized and their priorities are a mess. I guess you can't count backwards. The hygienist had too much pride and received moral harassment. Every dentist looks good to their patients.

  • 川上一憲



    The dental hygienist's level is high and you can receive treatment with peace of mind. The reservation time went almost smoothly.

  • 佐藤美智代(Shimashima)



    He is a reliable and kind dentist (*^^*) The reception and examination rooms are clean and have play equipment for children.

  • G.A SAI

    G.A SAI


    I made a reservation in advance, but they couldn't accommodate me. I made another reservation and it was canceled at the store on the same day. We need to create a reservation environment where we can properly examine patients before using technology.

  • 竹原英治



    Polite and kind. I moved here a few years ago and this was the best dentist I've ever been to.

Dentista más cercano

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