Nissin World Delicatessen en Minato-ku

JapónNissin World Delicatessen



🕗 horarios

2丁目-34-2 Higashiazabu, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 106-0044, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3583-4586
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6558049, Longitude: 139.7390456

comentarios 5

  • Tracy Greenwood

    Tracy Greenwood


    They have a lot of international foods, including halal. Parking is adequate. Staff speak English, even if you speak fluent Japanese (LOL). The only complaints are 1) prices are higher than other markets in the area; and 2) there is not much organic food.




    A very good supermarket especially for non Japanese. They offer many items not found in any other supermarket such as: pure lean ground beef ( usually it is mixed with pork in Japan ), a wide variety of cheeses, and spices. They also have a deli counter where they slice sandwich meats and steaks. They also have a whole floor dedicated to beer and wine. I am only rating it a four out of five because of the prices which can be very high. Many of the items they offer are imported and the prices reflect that. Overall I love this place!

  • Punch Faust

    Punch Faust


    Start with the convenient parking and you are ready for a remarkable shopping experience. On the second floor are extensive ranges of fresh, delicious food items - not only Japanese, but also from around the world. Especially noticable are the meats and cheeses. On the third floor having a huge floor area are wines, beers, and other alcoholic beverages to satisfy any and all preferences.

  • en

    maya rose


    Great place for international groceries. Decent selection, it's always fun to browse. There's an amazing selection of meat (halal included), cheese, and vegetables. They don't sell fish, but there is salmon. The third floor is the liquor selection and there's an annex next door that stocks some household items. Some of the products are Kirkland (Costco brand) and I think it's a fun place for all nationalities to find familiar products to discovering nee things. We always grab humburger buns and wine. Of course most items are a lot more expensive (due to income tax, but let's face it we're in Japan!), so don't be too shocked when a bottle of soda costs 300yen +.

  • en

    John Holbert


    Wonderful international supermarket near Azabu Juban station. Good selection of imported foods, spices, beverages, coldcuts, daily household items and liquor. 3rd floor has an expansive beer and wine selection as well as small space for items marked down. Absolutely essential for expats and those missing a taste of home. Only downside is price. Everything is quite expensive. I know importing costs but $14 for a stick of deodorant is wild!

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