Nishishinbashi Post Office in Minato City

JapanNishishinbashi Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-5-13 Nishishinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3501-9552
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6692896, Longitude: 139.7532515

kommentare 5

  • Nama Jeff

    Nama Jeff


    Had to send 2 parcels back home at the end of our vacation. Staff were very helpful and worked hard to make sure we were looked after. The man who served us understood English quite well, and we were most impressed by the service. It was a little bit expensive compared to back home, but it was worth it to make sure we could get everything home with no issues.

  • サークルK Mk-II

    サークルK Mk-II


    There are too many customers at the post office, so the waiting time is long. It's tough because you have to stand and wait unlike at a bank. I would like to increase the number of counters.

  • 松本ラン



    I'm glad that it's relatively spacious and open until somewhat late.

  • U “F” Zee

    U “F” Zee


    A large and spacious post office. Good response and smooth. About 1 minute walk from Toranomon Station and Uchisaiwaicho Station. A casual store with many mail-related items for sale. They will respond with surprisingly little waiting time.

  • 個別設定



    The post office is open until 6pm and the savings office is open until 5pm, which is very convenient. You can also purchase some sheets of commemorative stamps. It's basically in a business district, so it's crowded, so you should expect to have to wait in line to get a number.

nächste Post

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