Nishina Food Basket w Kurashiki

JaponiaNishina Food Basket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1369-1 Nakashima, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0803, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-465-7011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.577861, Longitude: 133.72721

komentarze 5

  • 近藤正



    Even though Matsumoto Kiyoshi is in it. The store has events and seasonal pop-ups.

  • ももちゃん



    I haven't been to this Nishina often, but I use it occasionally. The female staff here seemed to have run into a customer she knew, and we had a long conversation in front of the fish counter. I can't see the fish even if I want to. I don't even try to dodge it. Isn't there anyone to pay attention to? It's a sight you don't see very often in supermarkets, but this one seems to be fine. I don't want to go anymore.

  • ひろしひろし




  • へいすけ



    Nishina Nakajima store, Kiyoshi Matsumoto entered the store, brightening up the store. Check it out once you go shopping.

  • あちかむかむ



    There are not many types or quantities of food. There are side dishes, but I don't think the seasoning is very tasty. I felt like there were a lot of side dishes for seniors. Lunch boxes start from around 300 yen, and many are large in size for the price. The customer service of the staff is not good. Most of the store staff are unfriendly. I've never had a store clerk or cashier say "Welcome to your store" or "Sorry to have kept you waiting" when I passed by a customer in the store. Employees often engage in small talk with each other, and customer service is not acceptable. I think the customer base is more seniors than families. The parking lot is large and convenient for use by car, but since it is near the Oshima intersection, there is a lot of traffic, so please be careful when approaching from the west or Kurashiki direction. The cash register is semi-self-service. Pay using the deposit machine behind the cash register.

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