Nishijima Clinics i Numazu

JapanNishijima Clinics



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2835-7 Ōoka, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0022, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 55-922-8235
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1183388, Longitude: 138.8774198

kommentar 5

  • 今村友美



    I don't want to give even one star. The most untrustworthy hospital in Japan. Especially the teacher is not polite at all. Doesn't give a convincing explanation. Even if there is something I want to ask, I don't feel like anyone will ask me. The person in charge, Mr. N, is the worst. It's better not to let your loved ones receive treatment at this hospital.

  • 佐藤清



    I had surgery a few years ago. I think it depends on the doctor, but there were a lot of things I didn't understand because I just answered when asked. It was a major surgery, so I couldn't turn over in bed, and on the first night, I couldn't call the nurse because she was far away from the bed (over my head, outside the bed). I later discovered that the fixing device was not in the correct position, so it hit the surgical site, and I was in pain for several days and could hardly sleep at night. (Due to a mistake by the contractor, the equipment confirmation took several days.) Other than that, I rented pajamas for the 9-day hospital stay, and they didn't replace them, and the consumable mouthwash was only half filled in a paper cup, so it would have been better to buy it. The most troubling thing is that it didn't heal completely.

  • カズカズ



    As expected from the reviews, it was the worst hospital. My parents introduced me there. Anyway, the doctor was as patient as anyone. This is not the true specialty of hospital neurosurgery. Hospitals that don't understand that doctors' brains are rotten

  • 杉山稔



    [Nishijima Hospital] in Ooka, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture Medical departments: Internal medicine, neurosurgery, spine surgery, spinal surgery, neurology, cardiology, orthopedics, rheumatology, etc. It is a reliable hospital that specializes in headaches and has strengths in specific fields. I have used them several times and they have been kind and courteous. ★Outpatient treatment Weekdays ⇒ 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 (reception 8:00 to 11:30) 14:00-18:00 (Reception 11:30-18:00) Saturday ⇒ 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 (reception 8:00 to 11:30) 13:00-15:00 (Reception 11:30-15:00) ★Visiting hours and days of the week *Weekdays are Monday to Friday❗ *General hospital room ⇒ 13:00-20:00 Intensive care unit ICU⇒15:00-19:00 《Fill out the visitation form at the reception》 *Telephone: 055-922-8235

  • A YTpm

    A YTpm


    Let's pretend there is no plastic surgery. My family is a family doctor who specializes in neurosurgery. I am very grateful to you for saving my family's life. The other day, a family member with hemiplegia and speech impediment was unable to walk, probably due to trauma. Since she can't speak, her senses and memory are not normal, and she doesn't have bones protruding from her skin or localized swelling, the layperson has no idea what's going on. Nishijima Hospital also has an orthopedic department, so I felt safe visiting him as a family doctor. However, without even listening to the attendant, I was taken to a neurosurgeon, had an MRI of my brain taken, and was instructed to go to another orthopedic surgeon. When I took him to another orthopedic clinic, he was closed in the afternoon. If I was going to take him around, I would have liked him to be released sooner. I had hoped that it would be successful in orthopedic treatment for people with paralysis and speech disorders, but that was not the case. It is a mystery why they are holding up a plastic surgery sign. For tankob? ? Even in Tankob, you will be sent to a neurosurgeon, so you won't need an outpatient orthopedic surgeon.

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