Niigata Prefectural Shibata Hospital in Shibata

JapanNiigata Prefectural Shibata Hospital


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1-chōme-2-8 Honchō, Shibata, Niigata 957-0054, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 254-22-3121
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.9467517, Longitude: 139.3338084

kommentare 5

  • ワクワクサンデー



    I have been hospitalized since June 29th with fractures in the 4th, 6th, and 7th vertebrae, and a compound fracture in the heel of my left foot. Surgery was performed on the leg under general anesthesia while the patient was in absolute rest. I'll let you know what I notice. It seems that the overwhelming majority of reviews are critical of the hospital's response. I think these comments come from the patient's point of view, thinking, ``They didn't do anything for me!'' or ``This is how it should be, since it's a prefectural hospital!'' When I first entered the hospital, I saw firsthand how the doctors and nurses were working hard 24 hours a day. I express my feelings aloud to the teachers, nurses, cleaners, and everyone else by saying, ``Thank you,'' ``I appreciate it,'' and ``I can't do anything without you.'' When I think of all the hospital staff working hard to heal my body, I am grateful for everything and have no complaints or complaints. Thanks to your support, I am scheduled to be discharged from the hospital around July 24th.

  • 工藤芽栄子



    Last night, I was taken by ambulance to the 5th floor of Shibata Hospital due to mental instability, and I was so surprised by the nurses' response. I had a pee tube in, but I couldn't pee very well, but I had to hurry, and when I got back to bed, I quickly put it down, and then in the morning, milk came out, so my stool was loose, so I went to the bathroom. When I said I wanted to, I was asked to use disposable diapers❗ However, I asked her to take me there. Again? When he was brought to the bed, he was thrown onto the bed, his skin exposed, the bedding roughly draped over him, and he left without anything to measure oxygen on his finger. ️ After that, I put something that measures oxygen in my finger❗ The number was 60! After that, I talked to someone else and they said that there must have been a seriously injured patient😢 It was sad! Even after that, someone else told me that you were wrong😢 I came back today not wanting to be in a place like this! No matter how busy I am, is it okay for me to do this? I can't help but feel painful and sad! But he didn't apologize to me. She said she was sorry while talking to another nurse. He said he apologized to his daughter on the way home, but I don't have that! This makes me even more mentally unstable!! ️ Please give guidance from the hospital director!! ️ I want you to apologize to that person too!

  • ばばちゃばばちゃ



    I rely on nurse calls. Some nurses keep patient calls out of reach. The 8th floor ward is terrible. If it gets too bad, I think it's okay to sue. If you're going to tell me not to ring the nurse call, just take it all off.

  • チコちゃん



    Thank you very much for your help when I was hospitalized ♿🏥. Thanks to my doctor and all the nurses ✨ The food was delicious and I felt better right away ✨

  • SaintBread



    hello may i make a reservation for December 18th 1.30pm

nächste Krankenhaus

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