Niigata Chuo Post Office i Niigata

JapanNiigata Chuo Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-6-26 Higashiōdōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-943-686
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.9158501, Longitude: 139.0618457

kommentar 5

  • south



    When asked about a package that did not arrive on time, the response was, ``I don't know the current location of the package,'' ``I don't know the reason,'' or ``That's why I can't deliver the package.'' I was not given a clear reason for the delay until the end. However, this evaluation is not an evaluation of all operations and responses.

  • Rena krm

    Rena krm


    I had an important document sent to me by express delivery from outside the prefecture, but the tracking location hasn't changed even after more than a day, and it still hasn't arrived even after more than a week! When I called, they said, ``I don't know because it's not sorted!'' ” “As soon as it’s finished, it will be reflected in the tracking!” ”I want them to take responsibility if the documents are delayed!

  • *ちな*



    I asked for the item to be redelivered, but it wasn't delivered and when I checked my mailbox, there was an absentee note. The intercom isn't ringing. I don't think they would notice if you came without ringing the intercom. This is common to all packages, but this time it was especially troublesome because it was a registered document.

  • Tushar Shrotriya

    Tushar Shrotriya


    The post office staff can be shockingly unhelpful




    I am a wheelchair user. There is a wheelchair ramp next to the post office entrance stairs. The slope is a little steep, but if you have difficulty navigating, you can contact us via the intercom. In the past, when I was using a manual wheelchair, I had difficulty navigating the slope, so I asked a staff member to help me. The entrance on the Japan Post Bank side only has stairs, but you can move around within the building. Please note that the shutters inside the building will be down when the bank is closed. The on-site parking lot along Akashi Street is an unmanned (with intercom) paid flip-up lock plate coin parking, and there are parking spaces (priority spaces) marked with the International Symbol Mark (commonly known as the wheelchair mark). The payment machine and parking space are far apart, making it difficult for wheelchair users to exit the parking lot. Approximately 15 minutes after payment has been made, the lock plate will be raised again, so if it takes time to load the wheelchair into the vehicle, it may be difficult to exit the vehicle. Again, I have had the staff help me here. Priority parking spaces in parking lots are left up to the user's manners, so even people with lower limb disabilities may not be able to securely park.

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