Nihon Barbell Club i 港区

JapanNihon Barbell Club



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Japan, 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木5丁目18 5-18-19
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6848-7300
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Latitude: 35.6607308, Longitude: 139.7372437

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kartin Wong


    I was training with Sam and J.C. You can tell they know their stuff when you train with them, and I've been with a lot of personal trainers in those big gyms in Tokyo, as far as I can tell Sam is probably the best trainer I've met for a long period. They have a great place for doing work-outs too. They tell me what I should eat but their plans are not stiff at all, so I could eat differently for each meal without changing my meal plan. J.C's program is very challenging but fun. Sam's experienced with everything and have a program very suitably for my need. 5 stars for sure.

  • Fernand Lee

    Fernand Lee


    Fantastic personal trainers. Very detailed planning for food, supplements and work-outs. The gym is spacious and doesn't have huge traffic like other gyms. I think I'll stick with them for a longer period.

  • en

    Yukiya Mikuni


    Okay, I never write reviews but I have to say Sam is a really nice personal trainer in Tokyo. Very professional and passionate, making training programs that stick to my personal need and not so overwhelming. From work-outs to nutrition, everything is always in plan for me. Highly recommend to anyone who's looking for a quality personal trainer in Tokyo.

  • Mike Dunn

    Mike Dunn


    Sam Law helped me improve my life in ways that are hard to describe. It took 34 years, but I decided to stop living a sedentary lifestyle and check out Nihon Barbell Club. A year later the fundamentals that Sam taught me in the process have paid dividends. I am far stronger, look better, and just feel better waking up. I sleep better. The rest of my life benefits from these things. It's worth it. The process Sam had me go through was very well planned, methodical, and took into account every aspect of my goals, and the work he knew it would take to get there. At 34 I had spent most of my life thinking my body was going to start entering it's more painful years. That day may yet come but it has been pushed back by years. I'm just about to turn 36 and continue to beat all of my personal records on a regular basis. As long as you are serious and committed (a lot of this is still on you), show up to all of the sessions and work hard for the full hour, Sam will make your life better, and you don't need to be an athlete. His personality is really open, he's super friendly, but he knows how to work hard in the process. Do it!

  • en

    Zzshing L


    The best personal trainer I’ve ever worked with. Been training with Sam for over a year now and have seen my body fat go down significantly. Will definitely remain a member for as long as I am in Tokyo.

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