nido by Honey Bee Project en 豊川市

Japónnido by Honey Bee Project



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Japan, 〒442-0888 愛知県豊川市千歳通4丁目18
contactos teléfono: +81 533-56-7727
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.815384, Longitude: 137.3764344

comentarios 5

  • あめちゃん!



    It's a cafe attached to a general store, so it's very stylish. I ordered a set of a small pistachio parfait and a strawberry parfait. Everything was delicious from top to bottom. There? However, the cereal part was different from the usual parfait, and it was delicious, and the structure of the parfait was to my liking.

  • いけみにゃあ



    A cafe attached to a general store. There are partitions in terms of space, so it has a proper cafe atmosphere. You have to pick up your own water, towels, spoons, forks, etc. lunch set Fresh pasta set 1,600 yen (Bacon and broccoli tomato sauce) Keema curry set 1,400 yen *Includes salad, soup, drink, and dessert The pasta with tomato sauce was accented with onions and was delicious. It went well with the mild cream sauce. Keema curry has a nutty aroma. Usugi-chan! Since this store is eligible for LINE's Toyokawa Tourism Support Coupon, I was able to get a discount. It's a good deal. Thank you for the meal♬♪

  • R M

    R M


    The morning meal from 10am to 11am comes with salad and focaccia and is very delicious. The pasta for lunch is made with fresh pasta, so it's chewy, and the salad and small dessert in the set are delicious, so I make it a luxurious lunch every once in a while. The parfaits made with seasonal fruits are also delicious. I go there to eat every time it changes.

  • Editha Hagimoto (eriko)

    Editha Hagimoto (eriko)


    a little lazy the service

  • アリス



    The couple visited for the first time around 1pm. It was a cafe attached to a miscellaneous goods and bookstore. The two of us ordered a fresh pasta lunch set, lemon parfait, and honey tea. The fresh pasta lunch set comes with a mini salad, soup, mini dessert, and drink, so I ordered iced coffee for the drink. For fresh pasta, I ordered bacon and bamboo shoot peperoncino, but the taste was bland and the noodles were chewy. It wasn't an Italian restaurant, so the taste was disappointing. The lemon parfait contained yogurt and had a refreshing taste. As expected, the honey tea was by far the most delicious. They put it in a pot so I had enough for 2 cups. The iced coffee had a refreshing taste and was delicious. The food you order will be brought to your table by a female staff member, but you will have to go to the corner where they keep forks and spoons to get them yourself, which was a hassle. Depending on what you order, you may need a large spoon, such as a spoon for coffee or a long spoon for parfait, and even a fork. I would like them to be put together in one place and placed on each table. I don't find the miscellaneous goods and books that appealing, and the spring dresses and other items cost around 10,000 yen, but they were cute. I think the clothing corner was good. Clothes, miscellaneous goods, books, and cafes were all in the same place, so it was difficult to get around, and it was hard to find the toilets. There were directions drawn on the floor to get to the toilet, but you had to weave your way through a lot of miscellaneous goods on display. The cafe space is spacious, but I didn't feel comfortable because I had to move around to get spoons and forks for each dish. This is a harsh evaluation for the reasons mentioned above. The honey tea was delicious though.

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