Nice in Akita




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Sangoden-67 Sotoasahikawa, Akita, 010-0802, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 18-868-2611
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 39.7494776, Longitude: 140.0965213

kommentare 5

  • ろっくチロ(ろっく&チロ)



    I will be using it with Mr. Takayanagi and Mr. Itoku. We also have original side dishes. Local sake is also available. The parking lot is large, but the entrance on the pachinko parlor side is crowded. I used Friday's app coupon. It's a good deal.

  • silvergoldyear



    It was my first time shopping However, I paid at the cash register. When putting the pork in the bag, make a hole in the pork pack. was empty. Before buying, be sure to check with me I'll put it in the basket Probably the cashier. Excuse me, but please explain the details. The person in charge of the meat came over. Also, to explain “Then, from above again. "I'll wrap it," he suggested. Is that how you feel? Of course, please decline Exchange it for another pack and process the difference. I've settled one case. There may be some unusual and troublesome customers. My feeling is that wrapping from above Not possible.

  • s s

    s s


    There was a crying child who had become separated from his mother, so I took him to the store clerk and told him about it, but he took the child's hand and made a gesture as if to shoo me away with his hand. I felt sad that I was being treated as if I were a suspicious person.

  • モケケ(Mr Mokeke)

    モケケ(Mr Mokeke)


    Please use whichever you like. I wonder if the bottom is alive? The store is spacious, with a large eat-in space, and the stove, coffee, and pot are located next to the cash register, so you can shop and eat in a relaxed manner.

  • Admiral 56

    Admiral 56


    The sales floor is easy to see and there are many good items such as fish and vegetables. The shelves are placed low, so you can easily find what you're looking for at a low price. The eat-in space inside the store is large and has a TV, so it's perfect for taking a break after shopping. They also sell coffee, so it's a good place to have a drink. The selection of products may be better than Takayanagi across the street. They also have 5% off time sales, so be sure to check out the flyers. It gets quite crowded, so please be careful when walking or driving in the parking lot.

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