Nice i Akita




🕗 åbningstider

3-55 Arayayutakamachi, Akita, 010-1612, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-865-6911
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.7032192, Longitude: 140.0920572

kommentar 5

  • ベルベル



    A famous supermarket that is still crowded in the Kapphira area♪ If you don't change the hours, you'll meet people you know in each aisle at this local store.

  • Morioka TAKASHI

    Morioka TAKASHI


    For people from outside the prefecture, this area is a maze. Although it is located at the corner of a three-way intersection, there are several short traffic signals. I recommend this chain for bento boxes as they are cheap.

  • 石橋満



    I used the store yesterday. What's nice? Employees below the store manager don't say hello!? A bad attitude. I will never use it again. This is the worst supermarket in Akita city.

  • yun yun

    yun yun


    I thought it would be possible to enter and exit from each entrance from two directions, but it was only possible to enter and exit from one side. If it is not possible to enter or exit, I would like it to be displayed in an easy-to-understand manner even from a distance. I was very tired because I was not feeling well and it was my first time there. When leaving the store, a healthy person would have to go down a fairly large step, but since my leg hasn't healed yet, it's not high enough for me to go down, so I have to take a detour to get to the parking lot. Inside the store, the same categories (pickles, etc.) were not grouped together in one place, and I was about to give up when I thought that Nice didn't have it, but I finally found it. Why are they arranged so differently? There are many mysteries. The inside of the store is somewhat cluttered, and even though it looks like a discount supermarket, it's not cheap. Is there a river next to the parking lot? It wasn't a square terrain. The ground also has many slants, which is unique to Akita. It's much better than a wide-sided crane, though. In the future, I think I'll go to a nice place near Niida, even if it's far away.

  • ちあき



    Old building overall. Nice thing is, no matter which store I go to, the air conditioning is too effective and it's very cold... Even in summer, it is better to wear a light layer over top. There are few types of ice cream. There are many types of sweets. It felt like a lot of gummy candy. I think the selection is good.

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