NEZUCAFE in Minato City




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6-chōme-5-1 Minamiaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3400-2536
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6619351, Longitude: 139.7175339

kommentare 5

  • Ryan Lau

    Ryan Lau


    Located inside the gardens of Nezu Museum, NEZUCAFE serves a variety of drinks and some light food. The matcha latte is a must try! Come right when the museum opens to snag a seat at a seat by the large windows that overlook the garden!

  • Peter S

    Peter S


    Kinda perfect spot for a cup if tea. Beautiful grounds behind the museum.

  • Nan J

    Nan J


    I went on a rainy Tuesday and the cafe was super crowded….people talked in loud voices, which was pretty unusual in places like these, after all it’s not an izakaya or shokudo… such a waste of the beautiful scenery outside of the window.

  • Agnieszka Lata

    Agnieszka Lata


    Modern and traditional Japan in one beautiful place. I greatly enjoyed an autumn inspired matcha set and the garden view.

  • SJ P

    SJ P


    美味しかった。 Nice view surrounding green trees and plants. Had meatpie and BlT sandwitches which was delicious and the price also reasonable

nächste Cafe

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