New Sanno Hotel w Minato-ku

JaponiaNew Sanno Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒106-0047 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, 港区Minamiazabu, 4 Chome−4−12-20
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3440-7871
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6469977, Longitude: 139.72502

komentarze 5

  • Zhi wei Tan

    Zhi wei Tan


    If you can get a reservation do it. No place with a better value

  • en

    Don Coulombe


    Great place to stay. Great restaurants. Gift shop and NEX have great prices. Staff all very helpful and knowledgeable. Only issue is that furniture is showing wear. Maybe not so New Sanno. I was there in 1983 when it first opened. Great values and location.

  • en

    Connie Kisling


    We had the opportunity to spend several nights at the New Sanno Hotel. It was very nice in all ways. The people working there, from checking in at the gate, into the hotel, to housekeeping, were extremely helpful. We booked an excursion, had all of our breakfasts there, and a shuttle back to Narita Airport, and all was perfect. Very affordable as compared to other Tokyo hotels. Our thanks to the New Sanno people for being there. We will pay another visit down the road. Nebraska folks

  • Magee A

    Magee A


    If you have a chance to go to Tokyo and qualify to stay here, do it! It's a really nice hotel it even has restaurants inside, everyone speaks English and is SO HELPFUL. We wanted the Japanese experience (I imagine it's very watered down since it's an American hotel) BUT I really enjoyed my stay here in their Japanese suite. I don't believe it exceeded more than $80 a night. The location is perfect, the metro is about a 5 minute walk. You need to show identification every time you come back on since it is a military owned hotel but that's no biggie.

  • Robert Stewart

    Robert Stewart


    Excellent hotel if you have military ID to access it. Rooms are spacious, mini exchange store and some restaurants. Always my first choice for a place to stay in Tokyo but can be difficult to get room especially weekends. Fills up quickly so better make reservations a few months in advance

najbliższy Kwatera

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