New Life Fuji Iwata branch i Toyohashi

JapanNew Life Fuji Iwata branch



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒440-0033 Aichi, Toyohashi, Higashiiwata, 3-chōme−10−3
kontakter telefon: +81 532-62-7100
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7541911, Longitude: 137.4314836

kommentar 5

  • ミッチャン



    Everyone at the store was nice. If I go to Fuji from now on, I would like to go to the Iwata store.

  • おかもと



    An old-fashioned local supermarket. Although it is small, the atmosphere is like. However, the parking lot is small. I feel the prices are high overall. There is no umami to go to except on special sale days.

  • Leon Batuigas

    Leon Batuigas


    Good store Fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Yoppy I

    Yoppy I


    R1.11 There is a 100 yen Watsu in the back. The 100-yen store is small, so there aren't many items, but they do have Watts' original products. It's a small bakery, but there were rows of handmade freshly baked French breads and hotel breads. There was also a little tasting. Both bread and 100 yen items are paid for at the same cash register. I bought the egg sandwich and egg France, and they were all delicious. Business hours are 10:00 to 18:00.

  • Freitas Sk8BOARD

    Freitas Sk8BOARD


    very good👍

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