Nescafe Harajuku in Shibuya City

JapanNescafe Harajuku



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-22-8 Jingūmae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5772-2038
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6726127, Longitude: 139.7037469

kommentare 5

  • Seaweed Crab

    Seaweed Crab


    Honestly, I am a little disappointed. I’m a high school student in Tokyo, and ever since I moved to Harajuku I had always wanted to come to this cafe. The atmosphere just seemed nice. One day I went to this cafe to study with my friends. The waiter brought us to a seat with small round table but the table didn’t have enough space for us to open textbooks and stuff so I politely asked if we can move to a seat with a larger table. There were many empty tables but the waiter said no. I asked her why but she did not explain anything to me. Other people sitting on the seat with large tables were looked like a business men taking a break and all of them were just drinking a cup of coffee, so they didn’t even need a large table. After seeing that I thought perhaps the waiter was saying this because we are high school students. Otherwise why on earth were we not allowed to use a larger table? She couldn’t even explain the reason. After we sat down I ordered an orange juice but it tasted really really sour.

  • Nicolò Z

    Nicolò Z


    Im always having a good time when i come here. Amazing vibe, good food and coffee, not the best internet connection but everything else make up for it. If the connection situation improves its probably gonna be my favorite cafe in Harajuku.

  • Mari



    Very beautiful, large cafe with many seats. Nescafé is close to Harajuku station which is really convenient. Staff was a little rude last time I went, which put me off. Food and drinks are expensive (500 yen for orange juice?) but you are mostly paying for the ability to sit there for an extended period. My main complaint is that they use paper straws, which disintegrate while you’re drinking. The thing was literally limp after 20 mins!

  • 吉田栗栖



    Big cafe that is perfect for hangout with friends or resting from shopping at Takeshita street, the food is good and the coffee is better thn the nescafe packets we have back home in SEA 😂 The order and menu is done through qrcode which is pretty interesting.

  • Johanna Collier (Jojo)

    Johanna Collier (Jojo)


    A lovely cafe that offers large windows, a posh atmosphere, and a delicious menu. A bit pricey, but not terrible. My main complaint is that they don't seem to offer anything without sugar, or work spaces adjacent to the windows.

nächste Cafe

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