納屋珈琲ひなた i Mashiko




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949-1 Maezawa, Mashiko, Haga District, Tochigi 321-4214, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 285-72-2968
internet side: nayacafe.jimdo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.4320666, Longitude: 140.0921498

kommentar 5

  • akai sioji

    akai sioji


    A cafe that I've been interested in for a while. Although it has a rustic feel, the signboard is stylish, the garden is filled with a variety of flowers, and the cafe, which is a converted barn, has a counter and a large table at the entrance. Apparently there is also seating in the loft area. It felt a little difficult to enter when customers were sitting near the entrance. A lovely elderly mom explains things to me. I think it's a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the countryside.

  • 日本侍



    The interior of the store had a small and stylish feel with the first and second floors (with an open ceiling). The food is not as elaborate as rumored. The portions aren't too large, so if you're a man, it's probably enough to eat two dishes! The taste was also normal. The shop owner was a generally friendly person. The garden has a nice atmosphere and is said to be worth seeing during the flowering season.

  • 中山裕貴



    This is a nostalgic shop located in a quiet field. First of all, you will be greeted by a cute garden that changes scenery depending on the season, and a dog named Yuki-chan. 🐶 The store is filled with retro items, including interiors from the Meiji era. There is also a space on the second floor where about 4 people can sit and have tea. (This place also has a nice atmosphere) I went there to take shelter from the rain for a while, but before I knew it, it was such a comfortable place that I ended up staying there for two hours. Recommended items are French toast and coffee! ! ☕️ It also has rice, so it's perfect for lunch!

  • バラ赤い



    A nostalgic store with a Showa feel. The owner is also very cheerful and pleasant, making you feel comfortable. The crepe I received was also delicious! One thing, I wish the coffee shop would serve milk with butterfat that goes well with coffee instead of potion milk. Personally, I would be happy to have a cafe au lait. At the entrance of the store, there are clothes and accessories handmade by the owner's acquaintances. Finding bargains is also fun!

  • Christina Oshima

    Christina Oshima


    Lovely warehouse coffeeshop in the countryside of Mashiko. Love the place and their crepes.

nærmeste Cafe

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