Natural Lawson i Setagaya City

JapanNatural Lawson



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3-chōme-6-9 Kamiuma, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5433-0204
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6350496, Longitude: 139.6643241

kommentar 5

  • Kinson Chik

    Kinson Chik


    Was really small and not much selection compared to the close 711. Had more fruit selection though but other food items in the fridge wasn't stocked. Also much smaller and harder to navigate with a stroller here.

  • 上田英司



    Overflowing minced meat is too delicious The store has a large selection of unusual and fashionable items. Sometimes they also sell Kikusuido potato chips. I think you can enjoy a little bit of luxury.

  • shinya yamaguchi

    shinya yamaguchi


    Natural Lawson is said to be a great place to have in your neighborhood, but I think it's actually a great asset. When you come home tired, you want to stop by even if it's just a little detour. It's well worth it. I really like the bread baked in the store, especially the red bean paste gifferi. I wonder what it is, those hard, crunchy edges and the chewy texture of the main body. Although the dough is chewy, it is firm and has a satisfying texture. It's been several years since I became addicted to the deep sweetness and well-balanced saltiness of red bean paste. Besides that, I only eat sweet breads such as pain au chocolat and cinnamon Danish, and they are all delicious, so I'm really happy. Natural Lawson has a lot of products that Lawson doesn't have, and the great thing about it is that they even have great snacks. This store is not particularly large, nor is it different from the station. However, the cheerful staff, the clean interior, and the cute pop-up displays and displays made me feel relieved. I'm sure you're not an old man like me, but today I went to the store again like an arrogant fagot and bought nothing but sweets. Isn't that good! I like sweet things! ...the fag in my heart screams. As loud as you can.

  • ななじゆな



    The part-time worker is very nice✨I think it would be better for female store managers to emulate the part-time worker. I think I'm probably the only one who thinks that, but even though there were customers, they were talking loudly and laughing with other staff members! There's no such unpleasantness when it's just a part-time job!

  • aya yan

    aya yan


    I love that they have a good selection of natural lawson, healthy snacks, and bento boxes, and that they don't have magazines for adult men, so it's easy to use. This Natural Lawson is well-cleaned and feels good.

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