Nara Central Post Office en Nara

JapónNara Central Post Office



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-3-3 Ōmiyachō, Nara, 630-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-072-092
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6847162, Longitude: 135.8139878

comentarios 5

  • packerd norris

    packerd norris


    It's a great facility up until this point, but when I used it for the first time, I was treated by a kind older man. I've been using it ever since. Some people have complained about the response, but in all the cases I've seen, there was some kind of problem on the user side, although some were minor. It can't be helped that they respond in a hurry when time is running out, and when I looked at the ratings, I wondered how it would be humanly better to rate a facility like this based on things like honorific language. Do you want people to treat you that well? Don't you know about the night post office in the Animal Crossing series? Personally, I would be in trouble if it disappeared, and it's thanks to everyone working until late at night that I gave it 5 points.

  • ヤヤマダ(ヤマダ)



    He was involved in a collision with a driver named Nishi from Japan Post Transport and was able to escape. *The license plate is Nara 100 8764 The way he drives is by forcefully cutting into cars on the main line and hitting them with his loading platform. Anyone who drives like this should be fired immediately! Next is here Transportation Bureau Japan Post Transport

  • えの



    I use it because it's open until late, but that's the only good thing about it. Regarding customer service, I feel so bad that I don't even want to give it a 1 star. A chubby man always talks to me in a way that makes fun of me. I feel like they're making fun of me because they're younger than me, so I wonder if they don't understand these things. Otherwise, I wouldn't have behaved like that. It's such an annoying overreaction. I'm not your friend, acquaintance, or even close to you, right? lol I feel so bad when I'm waiting in line for my mail and that person responds. With change! ! That's what I want to say.

  • YA Pine

    YA Pine


    As others have written, the woman at the counter has a particularly bad attitude. Sometimes I talk in a boring way, and I talk to elderly people in a way that makes them look like they're trying to take over. . . I feel sick looking at it. Also, there are some men at the Yu-Yu counter who use high-pressure language to talk to people. Are you not aware? The response to complaints is also poor. . .

  • はちさと



    This is the representative post office of Nara. There are also many pickups. If you're in a hurry, you have no choice but to go this far. There is a nice Nara deer sculpture on top of the mailbox at the entrance.

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