Nanohana Dental Clinic en Okayama

JapónNanohana Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

637-2 Setochō Mantomi, Higashi-ku, Okayama, 709-0841, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-953-1441
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7601377, Longitude: 134.0821493

comentarios 5

  • 佐々木裕矢



  • しょうじのりこ



    The doctor's detailed and easy-to-understand explanations and his voice during treatment, and the staff's attentiveness. I was nervous as it was my first cavity treatment, but I felt very at ease (my daughter is a second year high school student). I look forward to working with you again. It's close to Mantomi Station, so it's easy for students to commute by themselves.

  • デブピザ



    It's refreshing in a good way. Before the treatment, she places a towel over my eyes, and although I'm a little scared to see what she's doing, she inserts the needle. inhale. I'll shave it off. We will thoroughly explain the process during the treatment, so you can relax and enjoy the treatment with peace of mind.

  • pekoko



    She's a nice female doctor. He listens carefully to the wishes and stories of his patients. Our motto is pain-free and fear-free treatment, so I think it is suitable for treating children as well. Reservations are required, but times can be flexible.

  • 入沢涼



    It's beautiful and very polite. Reservations are required.

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