Naniwaya Sōhonten i Minato-ku

JapanNaniwaya Sōhonten



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒106-0045 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Azabujūban, 1 Chome−8−14
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3583-4975
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6561898, Longitude: 139.7351081

kommentar 5

  • CJ Dayrit

    CJ Dayrit


    Crispy sweet happiness Taiyaki. Cook on the spot as well.

  • Jitpisut Vajasut

    Jitpisut Vajasut


    Taiyaki with sweet bean is so tasty :) it takes a few minutes to wait for taiyaki if u eat upstairs. Some time if u take away, itll take much more time >

  • en

    rong rong


    Waited for more than one hour to get my order. That's just how it is,, due to its popularity. The crust was thin with abundant filling. And not too sweet.

  • en

    beomsuk KIM


    It is the shop that made the first Tai-yaki you know well. The taste of sweets is similar to that of Monaca. You must eat at least two people per person to eat in the store.

  • Craig Mod

    Craig Mod


    Over one hundred years old, incredible taiyaki. One of the most famous shops in the Jyuban area. Several students of this shop have opened their own taiyaki (amazingly, this is a skill that must be cultivated, despite the seeming simplicity of the food) joints, including one down in Kamakura. Don't miss it if you're in Jyuban. The last of an era of shops of this area not long for this world.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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